Let me show you what a millionaire school teacher taught me about investing
It’s a simple system that has helped me 10x several of my investments, pay off my house, and live more generously (even though I knew nothing about investing at first).

As Featured in:

Hi, I’m Bob Lotich, CEPF® and I want to tell you about my investing mentor.
He was a school teacher who didn’t start investing until his late 30s. Yet his investing success had made him a multi-millionaire.
When I heard his story, I had to know…
What made my mentor different from most people?
I was surprised to find it wasn’t what I expected:
- He wasn’t using a complicated system. Instead, he used a simple, long-term approach even a beginner can master.
- He wasn’t using a risky, get-rich-quick strategy. Instead, He used sustainable, God-honoring advice to slowly build his wealth.
- He wasn’t spending long hours researching investments. Instead, the system he showed me takes less than 2 hours to set up.
After that, it only takes an hour per year to maintain.
This goes completely against so much investing advice we hear every day, but the results spoke for themselves.
And because of what my mentor shared with me:
- I no longer worry about whether my wife and I will be able to retire someday.
- We now have a paid-off house.
- We have more freedom to do whatever we feel God calling us to do without our old financial limits.
- Most importantly, we’ve been able to grow the money we’ve been entrusted with and reach a personal goal of giving away $1 million by my 40th birthday.
It started small. I still remember getting a statement in the mail early on, showing my money was finally working for me:

I felt a rush of excitement when I saw I had $97 more than I had on my previous statement. And I didn’t do a minute of work to earn it
Then this happened to our financial accounts over the next 16 years

Looking back, I’m so thankful for all the lessons my mentor shared with me. My family’s future has been changed forever.
And I’d like to share the lessons I’ve learned with you so if you choose to take action, you can hopefully do the same.
That’s why I created the 10X Investing course:
Showing you step-by-step how to get started investing today.
My goal was to give you a shortcut and help you avoid the years of mistakes most new investors make.
Inside, I’ll show you:
- Two of the best passive, long-term investment strategies recommended by billionaire investors (and how to follow them in 10 minutes or less)
- Our strategy for deciding between giving and investing
- Why I believe anyone (even complete beginners) can 10x their investment in way less time than they think
- How to make your first investment today, with our 7-day roadmap to your 1st investment and step-by-step tutorials
The 10X Investing course is exactly what I wish I had when I started.
“Amazingly simple to understand! I feel confident I can make the right choice in deciding which plan will suit my life now.”
-Gayle O. 10x Student
Bob Lotich is a financial educator, not a financial/investment advisor. He is sharing his personal experience and opinions; therefore, all strategies, tips, suggestions, and recommendations shared are solely for entertainment purposes and shouldn’t be construed as specific financial advice. There are financial risks associated with investing, and Bob Lotich’s results are not typical. For one-on-one investment advice specific to your situation, we recommend hiring a financial/investment advisor and conducting your own due diligence.

You’ll learn how investing is far simpler than they have led us to believe.
The secret much of the financial industry doesn’t want us to know is that it is actually pretty easy to get great, long-term results. No studying balance sheets, hours of research, or wading through dozens of investing newsletters. Just following a simple, long-term strategy is all you need and in the course I show you how.
You’ll make your 1st investment in about 2 hours.
You don’t need to wait 2 months, 2 weeks, or even 2 days. Yes, even if you’ve never invested a penny in your life, this course is designed to have you comfortably investing in 2 hours or less.
The approach is foolproof – anyone can understand.
My goal with everything we teach is to make it so easily understood that even a middle-schooler can get it. So, no, you don’t have to be a Harvard grad. And the fact is successful investing isn’t about being the smartest investor but rather about doing the simple things consistently. And if your concern is being consistent with it…

Willpower isn’t necessary, this is automatic.
This approach is set-it-and-forget-it. So you do the work one time, create the system, check the boxes like I tell you to, and you never need to remember to invest again. It happens automatically – without thinking about it again.
You don’t have to spend endless hours researching.
Sure, you can if you want, but I have done that work for you and found 3 of the best passive, long-term strategies that I use and that you can quickly and easily get started with.
You can start with ANY dollar amount.
It used to be that only the rich could afford to invest. Not any longer. With the tools and strategies I teach in the course, it doesn’t matter what tax bracket you are in – you can start investing today. And then begin building wealth so you can change your tax bracket.

You’ll learn exactly where and how to make the investments.
Yes, literally down to which investing websites I recommend (after I have tested dozens) and which buttons to press. It could not be any simpler.
You don’t have to take massive risks to succeed
Yes. Any investment has risk. Even your savings account or the cash under your mattress. The key is determining the appropriate amount of risk YOU should take so YOU can sleep at night. We help you do that. And we also talk about some of the best strategies to grow your money while reducing risk.
You’ll learn how much you need to invest to reach your goals
With the included tools in the course, you will be able to quickly estimate how much you need to invest and for how long to reach your financial goals. So if that is retirement, college savings, a house, or buying a Tesla with cash – you’ll know where to start.
The 10x Investing Course

After completing the course, you will:
- Have your risk tolerance assessed and know which investments are best for your personality type.
- Understand the strategy behind WHY I invest where and how I do.
- Know exactly HOW to make your first investment (down to the buttons to press).
- Know the best investing platforms to buy stocks, ETFs, Index Funds, Mutual Funds, Real Estate, and a lot more.
- Understand two separate Billionaires’ actual investing strategies (and how to follow them in 10 minutes).
- Know exactly how much you need to save/invest each month to reach your investment goals (retirement, college savings, etc).
- Have comfortably invested your money into investments you understand that will help you build wealth for decades to come.
- Be armed with your printable 7-day roadmap to your 1st investment that you can use as your checklist to get started in 1 week.
- And much more.
This course is for 2 types of students
There are two best-fit students who 10x Investing is perfect for:
Student A:
“I want a step-by-step 7-day path to making my 1st investment”
A complete beginner who wants a step-by-step (aka what buttons to push) path to begin investing wisely and safely with our 7-day roadmap/checklist.
You want a set-it-and-forget-it method of building long-term wealth without dozens of hours researching hundreds of investing strategies (because I already did that for you).
You probably don’t have $50k laying around to get started (like many financial advisors require) and you just want to set up a passive investing system that’ll do the work for you so you can get on with your life.
If this sounds like you, check out the 10x Basic package.
Student B:
“I want more investment ideas with potential higher returns”
Someone who wants more passive investment ideas to begin investing wisely for the long term.
Maybe you are looking for ways to invest passively in real estate (with as little as $100), or want step-by-step instruction on how to buy U.S. government backed investments that are guaranteed to keep up with the nasty inflation we are dealing with.
Or you are wanting to buy gold or other precious metals but don’t want to get ripped off or maybe you want to try investing in some individual stocks but…
You might think you have to be really smart to be good at picking stocks and do tons of financial research, and to be honest that’s what I did when I started investing in stocks. And I never really had any success. But once I followed my mentor’s simpler and quicker strategy, I started seeing real success with some stocks yielding as much as a 3400% return on my investment (meaning $1k turned into $34k).
Bottom line: you don’t want to take all the risk or spend the countless hours researching and looking at charts like day-traders, but instead you want set-it-and-forget-it investment ideas that have the potential to be a fast-forward button to your financial goals (like they have been for us).
If this sounds like you, check out the 10x PLUS package.
10x Investing is probably NOT for you if:
Because my intention is to only get the right students in our course who will get great results, I think it is worth spelling out who should NOT join us in the course.
1. You want to get rich quick.
If you want to see your money double in a week, this isn’t for you. The fact is some of my investments have doubled in a week, but that is definitely the exception, not the rule. I love how Proverbs 13:11 NLT puts it, “Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time.”
2. You have the risk tolerance of this guy:

If you are the type of person who does wheelies on a motorcycle while weaving between cars without a helmet, then you are probably going to find these strategies too boring.
If this is you, you can email me, and I can point you to some insanely high-risk investments, but most of this course is about taking calculated risks. Risks where the odds of success are greatly in our favor. I tend to prefer boring and automatic wealth-building over playing Russian roulette.
3. You want to learn to daytrade stocks, options, or Forex
While these methods can work, they are riskier than I like and take up way more time than I like. The investing strategies I share have yielded great returns over time and are completely passive. I like doing work one time and watching it bear fruit for years to come.
“It spoke to fears and worries I have that I never articulated and gave me clear action points and the steps to do them. I’m really glad I bought this course.”
Jesse W. / 10x student
Starting investing 16 years ago was probably the best financial decision I’ve made.

I remember not being sure it would be worth investing $100 each month. I didn’t know if I’d regret it or not.
As I look back at how radically different our financial life is, I can tell you that it was so incredibly worth it.
Because of that decision:
- We no longer worry about whether we’ll have enough saved for retirement
- We now live in our house mortgage-free
- We have the freedom to live out the ambitious giving plan God has called us to giving 41% of our income which may sound insane to most people.
Simply put, that one decision to get started investing has been a game-changer.
Budgeting and managing my money wisely was keeping us from moving backwards financially, but for us, investing was like hitting the fast-forward button towards our financial goals.
My first taste of passive income
We’ve been fortunate to make some pretty incredible strides since following my mentor’s advice.
But I’ll still never forget getting that mutual fund statement in the mail in 2005.

My money was finally beginning to work for me – earning more money.
It was a surreal feeling.
That combined with my automatic monthly contribution of $75 (which I honestly didn’t even notice) was allowing us to see our total assets increase each year.
If you haven’t experienced this yet, you can start today.
I hope that a month or two from now you’ll be sending me an email with the same excitement that I had that first time.
Big things start small
Sure $97 wasn’t going to change my life, but I knew that it was just the start of bigger things to come.
I imagined the day when I’d be logging into my account and seeing that it had increased by thousands or tens of thousands of dollars.
And again all without any sweat off my brow. Just letting the investments do the work.
And I imagined no longer worrying about if or when I’d be able to retire.
And I dreamed of having far more to give because we had multiplied what we had been entrusted with.
I am so thankful for my mentor’s advice. And I am thankful to God for helping reframe my limiting beliefs that I wasn’t smart enough. Or that I had no business investing as a middle-class kid from Missouri.
Or any number of other lies I believed.
Regardless of whether you choose to enroll in this course with us, let me be a coach/friend and just encourage you to get started.
Even if you make a few mistakes when you start, if you stick with it over the long-term, your future self will enthusiastically thank you!
“It’s not often that I finish a course, I get bored quickly but that was not the case with your course. I enjoyed it and it’s already paid for itself.”
Sandra S. / 10x student
My investing mentor paid off his house with just one of his investments.
16 years ago, sitting on the couch, he told me the story of how he paid off his house. He explained that one of his investments just did way better than he expected.
One day he checked the account balance and he realized he could sell it and pay off their house.
He and his wife had a conversation and decided they’d love to be mortgage free and with that they sold it and have lived in a paid-off house ever since.
I remember sitting there with only about $100/month available to invest at the time and thinking, “that would be so amazing, but what are the odds of that actually happening for me? I don’t have enough to even make a difference. I am not sure this is worth it.”
10 years later we did too
I am so glad I took his advice and got started because about 10 years later we paid off our house from one of our investments too.

Looking back, it still blows my mind how all those little, consistent investments over the years added up and multiplied into something truly significant.
Your 7-day roadmap to making your 1st investment

In just 7 days, we take you from knowing nothing about investing to being armed with the understanding, tools, and step-by-step tutorials to invest your first $100 with our 7-day roadmap/checklist (included in 10x Basic).
“You did a great job presenting the information so that even a simpleton like me could absorb it.” -Alan R. (10x Student)
You can start right now
In less than 2 minutes you can be on your way.
You could be like Ronald Read who was a lifelong janitor and surprised his friends and family when he died and left millions to the causes he believed in.

By the way, the investing strategy he used to build an $8 million portfolio (on a janitor’s salary) is what we teach in this course.
It’s foundation of low-cost index funds is all that most people need to do, but for those who want to dive a little deeper, in the 10x Plus package we cover my stock picking strategies that have netted me a 27x and 34x return as well as other alternative investments.
The “old way” cost her $2,500
I just sat down with one of our employees and took a look at her account she had with her financial advisor.
It turned out she was paying her financial advisor $2,500 a year.
30 years ago pretty much the only way to invest was to hire a financial advisor to do it for you. But now it has all changed.
Now there are ways to get just as good (and many times better) results by NOT using a financial advisor.
And if that wasn’t good enough, it can be far cheaper.
When I showed her that she could set up the exact same portfolio (using the 10x system) in under an hour, she was blown away.
And the kicker is that you, or I, or she can do it and for FREE. No joke.
She could have the exact same investments without paying any fees.
Or she could just keep paying him $2,500 a year.
What would you choose?
I know what I would, but even if you still choose to use a financial advisor, this course will help you be a far more knowledgeable customer.
Which in turn will help you hire a better advisor and NOT get ripped off.
But the bottom line is you don’t have to pay $2,500/year like she was to be invested wisely.
10x Investing
Follow the same roadmap I used to make safe, wise, and profitable passive income!
Watch over my shoulder in this 6-module online course as I share my entire step-by-step investing strategy.

Inside the course, I’ll walk you through the 7 key investing checkpoints:
- Completing Your “Wealth Assessment”
- Building Your Risk/Reward Profile
- Selecting a Tax Advantage Plan
- Mapping Your Risk Profile to a 10x Strategy
- Implementing Your 10x Strategy
- Opening Your Fund Account
- Automating Your Investments
I literally guide you to a hand-picked strategy right down to the exact buttons to push!
So you can make your first (or next) investment with confidence and finally have a plan in place to build long-term wealth.
Find the Path That’s Right For You
10x BASIC Package
“I want a clear, step-by-step path to my 1st investment”
- Why I believe anyone can 10x their investment in way less time than they think.
- Two separate exact and easy to follow investing strategies from Billionaire investors.
- The exact places I use to invest and why.
- A quick assessment to determine your risk tolerance, so you can invest safely for your temperament.
- 3 ways to minimize risk.
- Our strategy for deciding between investing and giving.
- How I broke off my limiting beliefs about building wealth.
- A quick exercise to determine if a Roth IRA or a traditional IRA is better for you.
- How to become a millionaire (and how long it’ll take).
- 90-day money-back guarantee.
- 1 year unlimited course access (with option to add on lifetime access).
10x PLUS Package
“I want more investment ideas with potential higher returns”
Everything included in the BASIC package plus…
- My stock-picking strategy that has yielded me 27x and 34x returns.
- How to tell if you are on track for retirement (and how much you’ll have).
- How I am investing for the impending inflation coming in the U.S.
- How to get started in real estate investing for beginners (even with only $500).
- How I am investing in Cryptocurrency and my current strategy.
- How to find mutual funds that actually earn 12% or more a year (in 5 mins).
- List of 50+ of the best dividend-paying stocks
- How, where, and why I buy gold.
- My Investment Tracker sheet and tutorial.
- How to monitor your investment performance (free tool).
- 90-day money-back guarantee.
- 2-year unlimited course access (with option to add on lifetime access).
“It spoke to fears and worries I have that I never articulated and gave me clear action points and the steps to do them. I’m really glad I bought this course.” Jessie W. / 10x Student

Just some of the questions that will be answered in the course…
- How do I actually buy a stock, mutual fund, or ETF?
- What companies do I use to invest?
- Should I invest in stocks, mutual funds, or ETFs?
- What is the simplest and safest way to invest without breaking the budget?
- Benefits/drawbacks of investing vs. paying down mortgage?
- And a lot more…
- How do I decide which funds to use for investing?
- How to prioritize investing among other financial responsibilities (i.e. kids’ college, retirement, emergency fund)?
- How do I invest in a gold fund as opposed to coins?
- How do I get started without being scared?
Our Promise: The right way to do business
I hate when I am buying something new and I have no idea if it will deliver on its promise or not. You know, and I have to decide if it is worth the risk to waste my money if it isn’t what was promised.
To me, the right way to run a business is actually putting the customer’s needs first. So I don’t think it is fair that you should take on any risk by joining.
I believe the burden of risk should fall on the business or service provider (aka me, not you) to deliver what was promised.
So I want to give you 90 days to take the entire course, let it digest, integrate it into your life, and make sure this is really working for you.
And if you don’t LOVE it, I insist that you get 100% of your money back. I’ll even cover the credit card processing fees we incur.
We truly and sincerely only want students who are thrilled with the course, so I don’t care if it’s in 90 mins or 90 days from now – if you aren’t happy then I’m not happy.
For any reason whatsoever, if you don’t love it, just send an email to [email protected] and we will refund 100% of your payment. No hoops to jump through – just send us an email.
Take advantage of our 90-day guarantee and get started today!
What our students are saying:
“This is a terrific investing overview and hands-on tutorial for the beginner and a great refresher course for the intermediate investor. A great value for the time and money invested.”

Thomas B.
10x Student“Amazingly simple to understand! I feel confident I can make the right choice in deciding which plan will suit my life now.”

Gayle O.
10x Student“This is a course that is hugely needed and I would recommend to anyone and be confident it works.”

Mark C.
10x Student“I cannot recommend this course enough. The simplicity of this course has shed light where there was once darkness and I feel empowered to now go invest with this newfound knowledge. I have been trying to invest and generate a passive income stream for a while now. I feel that I am equipped to do so thanks to you!”

Cynthia M.
10x Student“I’m learning so much in so little time! I learned so many things I thought I would never understand.”

Jasmine S.
10x Student“I learned a lot from this course, it provides excellent strategies that can be used even when you’re retired.”

Tammie A.
10x Student
My goal is to make this course better than anything out there.
Here’s how:
Testing it on myself to make sure it works.
The internet is full of people “faking it until they make it”, trying to teach others how to do something they haven’t done themselves. Not here. I experiment on myself first, find what works, and then share with students. Not the other way around.
I actually do what I teach.
Many gurus will sell their “method” (how to flip houses, sell on Amazon, etc) only after they can’t make any money doing it anymore. Not here. Everything I teach I am actually doing myself – as in I have my own money invested – and so we are in it together. And if things change, the course will be updated to reflect that.
We LOVE honest feedback.
We create our courses with the number one goal of getting you results, and so when our students have suggestions to make the course better, we run with them. We are continually taking all feedback from students and adding them into the course with frequent updates and this is why our courses just get better and better with time.
We are just a little obsessive about making it great.
We are constantly thinking and evaluating how to make it better, easier, and to get our students quicker and better results. We are playing the long game and betting that as we create the best financial education out there, that our students will tell others. So far it’s working pretty well and if a friend referred you, thank them for me!
“It’s making such a difference in our views. THANK YOU that we are no longer paralyzed by anxiety and shame.“
Maria M. / 10x student
More Questions? I have answers…
When does the course start?
Immediately! It is self-study, so you can take it at anytime – on your schedule.
Does it work with Mac, PC, Linux?
It works on any and all computers and mobile devices.
Can I take the course on my smartphone?
Yep, absolutely. It is just as easy doing it on your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop.
Does this work for those outside the US?
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: We have students from all over the world because the course is strategy and principle based and not really focused on specific tools. That said, I show examples using specific online brokers to show step-by-step processes whenever possible.
While some of the online brokers I use may not be available in your country, but the fundamental strategy would still apply and should be able to be replicated with options you have in your country. Additionally, we have found online brokers that work for those in the following countries:
Andorra, United Arab Emirates, Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Antarctica, Argentina, American Samoa, Austria, Australia, Aruba, Ã…land, Barbados, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bahrain, Saint-Barthélemy, Bermuda, Brunei, Bolivia, Brazil, Bhutan, Belize, Canada, Cocos [Keeling] Islands, Republic of the Congo, Switzerland, Cook Islands, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cape Verde, Curaçao, Christmas Island, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Estonia, Spain, Finland, Fiji, Falkland Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Faroe Islands, France, United Kingdom, Grenada, French Guiana, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Greenland, Guadeloupe, Greece, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Guatemala, Guam, Hong Kong, Honduras, Croatia, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Isle of Man, India, British Indian Ocean Territory, Iceland, Italy, Jersey, Jamaica, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Japan, Kiribati, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Cayman Islands, Laos, Saint Lucia, Liechtenstein, Lesotho, Republic of Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Monaco, Republic of Moldova, Saint Martin, Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Martinique, Montserrat, Malta, Mauritius, Malawi, Mexico, Malaysia, New Caledonia, Norfolk Island, Netherlands, Norway, Nauru, Niue, New Zealand, Oman, Panama, Peru, French Polynesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Poland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn Islands, Puerto Rico, Portugal, Palau, Paraguay, Qatar, Réunion, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Solomon Islands, Sweden, Singapore, Saint Helena, Slovenia, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Slovak Republic, San Marino, Senegal, Suriname, São Tomé and PrÃncipe, El Salvador, Saint Maarten, Turks and Caicos Islands, French Southern Territories, Togo, Thailand, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Taiwan, Tanzania, U.S. Minor Outlying Islands, United States, Uruguay, Vatican City, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, British Virgin Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, Wallis and Futuna, Samoa, Kosovo, South Africa.
So as long as your country is listed, you should be good to go! Oh and I should also say we aren’t in the business of just selling products. We are selling life-change. And we do business with integrity. We have no desire to sell products that can’t be used, because there wouldn’t be any life-change. So, if you get in the course and run into any other challenges because of your home-country just let us know and we will help any way we can or worst case, we will happily refund you if need be!
Can I gift the course to someone?
Absolutely, just purchase the course and then email [email protected] and we will get you a gift certificate you can print off if you’d like.
Do the video lessons have closed captioning?
Yes, all video lessons have a closed captioning option!

Ready to learn all the secrets to passive investing my millionaire mentor taught me?
We would consider it an honor to get to help you on your financial journey.
Bob Lotich is a financial educator, not a financial/investment advisor. He is sharing his personal experience and opinions; therefore, all strategies, tips, suggestions, and recommendations shared are solely for entertainment purposes and shouldn’t be construed as specific financial advice. There are financial risks associated with investing, and Bob Lotich’s results are not typical. For one-on-one investment advice specific to your situation, we recommend hiring a financial/investment advisor and conducting your own due diligence.