Little Aaron was playing with daddy’s tool belt left on the floor after a long day of work. Quickly he noticed the most fascinating multifunction screwdriver and took off to accomplish some minor repairs around the house. It was just an old tool, but to Aaron it was a new treasure and he had no intentions of returning it back to his father . . . .
How Much to Pay a Pastor for a Wedding
How much should you pay a pastor for a wedding? What are other key factors should you keep in mind when you contact your pastor? Let’s explore these important questions.
How Giving is a Spiritual Discipline
In Romans 12:8 we learn that some excel in the gift of giving, but what about everyone else? We’ve all heard of spiritual disciplines such as prayer, worship, Bible study and fasting, but what about giving?
What’s the Best Way to Help the Poor?
If you’re a Christian, you can’t help but read the Bible and be overwhelmed by God’s concern for the poor, weak and marginalized in society. He tells us to be concerned for the widow and the orphan. Jesus himself said in Matthew 25 that, “As you did to one of the least of these, you did to me” meaning that if we gave food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty and clothes to the naked, it’s as if we did it to Jesus!