There are a variety of questions that come up about whether or not lending money and earning interest is unBiblical. A reader just sent me this question, so I figured it was worth creating an article to share all my thoughts on this topic. Is it okay for Christians to earn interest? Is it a […]
Does God answer ‘selfish prayers’ like paying off debt rather than helping sick kids?
I recently shared how God helped Linda and me pay off our mortgage in just 9 months, and while most of you were incredibly supportive, some questioned the intentions or priorities behind it. If you’ve ever wondered why God would answer selfish and “superficial” prayers over what might seem like more critical issues, this is […]
A chicken, a Bible, and a banana tree…
What do a chicken, a Bible, and a banana tree have in common? You can Google it, but there is only one thing that I am aware of. And that is… By enrolling in any SeedTime course, you are providing all 3 of them for someone in need. We recently began partnering with World Vision, […]
He interviewed 233 millionaires, and they do this ONE thing from the book of Genesis
Have you ever wondered how wealthy people got that way? A few years back, Tom Corley did a big study where he interviewed 233 people who became millionaires to find out what they did with their money. What he found out is quite different than what most people believe. It wasn’t winning the lottery, becoming […]
My 5 top essential tools for running my business
As a business owner, I get questions A LOT about the tools I use to run my business. So, I thought I would share a few that have REALLY helped me a lot in case they might help you as well. If you’re a business owner, freelancer, or just curious about the tools that we […]
High interest business savings accounts (that actually pay 4% or more)
With interest rates on the rise over the last couple years, we have seen lots of personal savings accounts with good interest rates 4%+. But what about business savings accounts? Are there actually any business savings accounts that actually pay well? It turns out that most of them are still paying 0.1% (or basically nothing), […] is shutting down… my 2 favorite Mint Alternatives
So, (probably the most popular financial app out there) is closing its doors at the end of the year. While it was originally designed to track your spending, many users began to use it as a budgeting app as well. I never really found it to be very effective at budgeting because there isn’t […]
Can we cover the cost of your Christmas shopping this year?
Last year, we gave Jason (a SeedTime reader just like you) $1,000 to help cover Christmas shopping. This year, I’d love to send it to you! It is really easy to get entered to win, so just follow the instructions below! Here’s how to enter the $1k giveaway: If you want a chance to win, […]