Since it involves the distributions and use of money ”” called “minas” ”” the Parable of the Ten Minas (or Ten Talents) is often interpreted from a financial angle. I actually don’t think it’s truly about money, though it does contain some obvious lessons about the resources we are given.
Do You Know Why Christians Need Financial Independence?
We usually think of financial independence as being a desirable state of financial affairs, but for a Christian it may be even more important than that. The Christian walk is often a tug-of-war with the world, but few areas of life have the potential to steal away our time, efforts, attention and resources the way financial struggle can . . . .
Is it OK for a Christian to Settle a Debt for Less than the Amount Owed?
Given the state of the economy over the past few years, many people have debts they can no longer pay. One of the ways those debts are settled is through negotiations that end with the debtor satisfying the debt by paying less than the full amount owed. We are required by our faith to pay our obligations, and settling a debt for less than the amount owed can seem un-Christ-like. What should you do in such situations?
Get-Rich-Quick: Does it EVER Work?
Back in college I interviewed a man in New York City who worked for a small company that promoted get-rich-quick schemes. Now””this is important””in his line or work, they don’t refer to their “products” as get-rich-quick schemes, but by some other more socially acceptable handle that escapes me at the moment. No matter, he gave me a wealth of information and insight into the world of get-rich-quick.