Are you welcoming a new baby to your family? If you are, there are a few things you’re going to need, and it’s best that you get as many of them before the baby arrives as you can. Life happens very quickly when a baby comes along, and advanced preparation is truly a virtue.
The Blog
What Does the Bible Say About Worrying About Money?
Should you be worrying about money? And does the Bible give practical tips for overcoming worry? Worry has many affects on your health and situation, so how do you get rid of it? In this post, I won’t claim to give the totality of Biblical counsel on this topic, but I do promise that the following passages will help.
What Are the Average Community College Tuition Costs? (It Might Shock You)
A few months ago, my 17-year old son was accepted into a fairly rigorous technical college that focuses on mechanics. I was happy for him, but at the same time, knew the tuition to attend the school would not be cheap. When the recruiter tallied up the costs associated with going to through the program — my wife and I were a bit shocked.
Stewardship in the Bible
What is stewardship and how should it affect what we do with our money, time, resources, etc.? What does it really mean to be a “good steward”?
Lessons from the Parable of the Ten Minas
Since it involves the distributions and use of money ”” called “minas” ”” the Parable of the Ten Minas (or Ten Talents) is often interpreted from a financial angle. I actually don’t think it’s truly about money, though it does contain some obvious lessons about the resources we are given.
Why Integrity is Important in the Workplace
In his book The Millionaire Mind, Thomas J. Stanley asked 733 millionaires to rank 30 factors which led to their success. The number one attribute, “being honest with all people,” tells volumes about the importance of integrity in the workplace: it is more than living out good moral principles — it is also critical for succeeding in the business world.
25 Free Ways to Show Your Wife You Love Her
According to Gary Chapman’s book The Five Love Languages, people understand emotional messages from others in five different ways. He calls these ways “love languages.” He insists that in order for your spouse to understand the feelings that you are trying to convey, you must speak her love language. Here’s how you can do that!
Do You Know Why Christians Need Financial Independence?
We usually think of financial independence as being a desirable state of financial affairs, but for a Christian it may be even more important than that. The Christian walk is often a tug-of-war with the world, but few areas of life have the potential to steal away our time, efforts, attention and resources the way financial struggle can . . . .