The verse was the first thing that Jesus said after he performed a miracle and fed 5000 from a few fish and loaves. I don’t think I have ever heard a preacher talk about the verse, even though I have heard this story mentioned many times – as it is one of the more famous ones…
The Blog
10 Compelling Reasons to Give More
One would expect a Christian blog to talk about giving. We may ask, “how much should I give? Where should I give?” Giving is part of our Christian mission. If Christians can increase their giving by embracing missional frugality, much good will be done in their lives, in their relationship with God, and around the world.
Living or Giving More? Financial Lessons From John Wesley
John Wesley (June 28, 1703 — March 2, 1791) was a Church of England cleric and Christian theologian who taught — and lived out — some financial principles which continue to challenge us today. Wesley’s principles for money can be summarized with these three thoughts . . .
16 Legitimate Home Survey Companies?
These are some of the survey sites that I have either heard good things about from readers or have some reason to believe that they are legit…
Should You Get LED Lights to Replace Your Incandescent Bulbs?
…At first glance that could seem like a ridiculous price to pay for a light bulb. But if you consider the fact that this light bulb is rated for 25,000 hours – which is 23 years if you use it an average of 3 hours a day – this may not be a bad price…
YNAB Budgeting Software Review
Jesse has done a fantastic job of creating a beautiful user interface that is intuitive and effective. After the issues I experienced with Mvelopes, YNAB was the perfect antidote. Like I mentioned before I really liked the “system” that Mvelopes created, and had I not had interface issues I would still be using them.
8 Tips for Dealing with Bill Collectors
If you have ever been on the receiving end of menacing phone calls from a bill collector, the title of this article probably spiked your blood pressure. Yes, this is a stressful experience, but it doesn’t have to be a nightmare. These tips will help.
Reminder: It Is More Blessed to Give Than Receive
Philippians has always been one of my favorite books of the Bible and I have always had a particular fondness towards the 4th chapter. It is one of the most joyous books in the Bible and even though we might expect that it was written during wonderfully joyous circumstances, it was actually written while Paul was in prison…