Limiting beliefs are powerful.
They can keep us from taking action, even when deep down we know our situation needs to change.
We can read all the books, listen to all the podcasts, and follow all the brand-name advice – but still be in bondage financially because of beliefs rooted in our hearts.
These beliefs can be tied to our self-image, our family upbringing, and our spiritual beliefs.
They can be a source of great fear or shame, and because of this, we often try to ignore them or pretend like they”re not there.
But God wants us to be free from fear, free from doubt, and free from shame
He wants us to see money for what it is… a tool to be used for good, for His glory, and for our benefit.
This helps us understand our finances in a whole new light – one that is based on faith, hope, and love. And we can start to make decisions that honor God and help us to reach our financial goals.
So, if you feel overwhelmed by budgeting…
…or “stuck” and not sure where to start…
Then I invite you to consider which of these 5 limiting beliefs around budgeting might currently be present in your life.
Let”s dive in:
#1 – “I don’t make enough money to start budgeting”
I”ll agree that it is more difficult to budget when you don’t have a lot of money coming in.
But the question I have for you is this: what”s the alternative?
Saying you don’t have enough to budget is kinda like being in the middle of a lake in a canoe with five holes in it.
Are you going to try to plug as many holes as you can and get back to shore…
…or are you going to just sit there?
You have to do the best you can with what you have…
That means being proactive in your finances, even when you don’t feel like you have enough money.
You might be surprised what”s there when you actually start tracking where your money is going.
That doesn’t mean you have to have a lot of money ”“ but it does mean you have to decide to make more impact with what the Lord has already given to you.
#2 – “It”s too hard and time consuming”
I actually think it takes MORE time, energy, and stress to live without a plan for your money…
Here”s what I mean:
Without a budget, it’s easy to lose track of your spending and find yourself in a difficult financial situation.
Imagine if you find yourself with a little extra to spend next month…
You may go “by feel” and figure you”ll just see how it all washes out next time you check your account.
As a result, maybe you splurge on something you don’t really need.
Next month, you find yourself short on cash and unable to pay bills.
You have no idea where your money went and you have to scramble to figure out how to make ends meet.
If this hits home it”s because it”s NOT an uncommon scenario…
And living this way is far more exhausting than simply putting in an hour or two a week to stick with a plan.
Now, on the other hand, if you had a money plan…
- You would know exactly where your money was going
- You would know how much you had to work with
- You could make more informed decisions about your spending
- And you”d be prepared for unexpected expenses
Not only can a budget help you get in control of your finances…
But it can save your time (and sanity) in the process.
#3 – “I don’t want to face my financial reality”
The truth behind this belief often goes a lot deeper than money…I would recommend a heart check with the Lord and that you find some extended time in prayer around this issue.
The good news is, God wants you to be free from ALL worry!
Including whatever heart condition, fears, or doubts might be holding you back from facing your finances.
Our hope and prayer for you is that God would lead and guide you as you submit to Him in this area. There”s no mess too big ”“ and we believe He can provide for YOU the same way He”s provided faithfully for us as we”ve shown up to our financial fight!
#4 – “I don’t want to stop spending on things I love”
And I definitely don’t think you should have to!
My goal here at SeedTime is to help you spend more money on what is important to you and what you love.
But that means we need to cut out the things that you DON”T care about.
Think of it like a garden…
If you don’t weed it and keep things trimmed, you can kill the things you care about.
The chaos actually holds you back from fully enjoying anything!
But if you take the time to prune, water, and tend your garden, you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
The same is true with money ”“ if you take the time to control your spending, you will be able to enjoy spending on things you actually care about.
#5 – “I’m not good with numbers”
Good news! You don’t have to be!
And you don’t have to do this alone.
While there are tons of financial tools out there that basically require a finance degree…we”ve simplified our tools and resources so you can get great results (even if you aren’t good with numbers).
Because a “simple” plan well executed > a perfect plan that you never start.
If you”re looking for some help with a simple money management system…
Then we have a great deal for you on our flagship (un)Budgeting program: Grab Real Money Method Plus”“and more than $450 in bonuses”“at a discount until Friday, August 4th at 11:59pm CDT!