So, if you want to learn how to build a chair, you should go ask a chair-maker how he does it. If you want to learn how to become a millionaire, you should ask a millionaire how they did it.
The one thing I would teach a recent college Grad
You just finished your degree and you are probably looking for your first “real” job. This is the perfect opportunity to decide how you would like your financial life to be. You have the choice to spend and buy whatever you feel like which will likely put you in heaps of debt.
The 3 No-brainer Investments That Should Come First
Many investors are more than a bit intimidated when it comes to getting started. They mistakenly assume that investing needs to be complicated in order to be successful. That belief may even cause them to delay investing, or even to never get on board at all. In truth however, investing can be incredibly simple ”“ […]
How Much Do You Need to Retire?
This is the most basic question when it comes to retirement planning – how much do you need to retire? You really can’t know if you’re saving enough money for retirement unless you first decide what the target is, and that’s what we’ll show you today. The Biblical view of retirement Interestingly, the Bible is […]
5 Traditional and 5 Non-traditional Ways to Invest Your Money
If you”re new to investing, you”re probably aware that there are literally dozens of asset classes you can invest your money in. To make it easier for you, we”ve selected 10 classes, and broken them down between traditional and nontraditional, with five assets in each category. 5 Traditional Ways to Invest Your Money If you”re […]
Everything you need to know about the Wonderful ROTH IRA
There are literally dozens of ways to invest your money – and account types to invest them in – but one stands head and shoulders above the rest. The Roth IRA may very well be the single best investment vehicle available. While other retirement plans are tax deferred, Roth IRAs are tax free. Do we […]
Why You May Want to Invest WITHOUT a Financial Advisor
Many people are perfectly content to not know what’s going on in their investment portfolios. They’re happy to turn the job of investing over to someone else, like a financial advisor, so that they can tend to other things in their lives. And maybe there’s even some comfort in being able to blame someone else […]
Picking Stocks 101
If you’re new to investing, picking stocks can be confusing. Even if you have been investing in mutual funds for a while, stocks represent a higher risk investment, and one that requires considerably more research. Before stepping in stocks, you want to make sure that you do plenty of homework. You should also plan to […]