Our nine-year-old doesn’t have a regular income, so we haven’t required him to meet any financial responsibilities. But our teens are a different story . . . .
Saving Money
25 Free Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him
Several months ago I wrote the post “25 Free Ways to Show Your Wife You Love Her.” That post had such an overwhelming response, and we got so many requests for a husband version, that here I am again.
How Much Should You Spend on Groceries?
Our groceries budget has fluctuated over the past couple of years. It started high, then went down pretty low, and now it is up again. I want to ask you, the readers, how much you spend on groceries so that we can all learn some valuable tips!
How Having an Emergency Fund Can Help You Save on Insurance Premiums
Your emergency savings is set aside to be used for nothing but emergencies. Right? Right! But that very fund can also be used to help you save on insurance premiums . . . .
A New Baby Checklist – What You’ll Need!
Are you welcoming a new baby to your family? If you are, there are a few things you’re going to need, and it’s best that you get as many of them before the baby arrives as you can. Life happens very quickly when a baby comes along, and advanced preparation is truly a virtue.
What Are the Average Community College Tuition Costs? (It Might Shock You)
A few months ago, my 17-year old son was accepted into a fairly rigorous technical college that focuses on mechanics. I was happy for him, but at the same time, knew the tuition to attend the school would not be cheap. When the recruiter tallied up the costs associated with going to through the program — my wife and I were a bit shocked.
25 Free Ways to Show Your Wife You Love Her
According to Gary Chapman’s book The Five Love Languages, people understand emotional messages from others in five different ways. He calls these ways “love languages.” He insists that in order for your spouse to understand the feelings that you are trying to convey, you must speak her love language. Here’s how you can do that!
Are Church Giving Kiosks a Good Thing?
I attended a missions conference at a very large church in the Orlando area six years ago and was struck by a machine sitting in the lobby. At first, I thought it looked like an ATM. But it wasn’t. After a closer look, I discovered that this curious machine was a giving kiosk.