Here’s something that could make a massive difference in your finances in just a few minutes per day: Best-selling author and habit-building expert James Clear found that improving by just 1% each day makes you 37 times better over a year. In financial terms, even doubling your AUM (or net worth) would be just a 2x improvement. So 37x? […]
Wealth Secrets
Over-spending isn’t your problem
Over-spending probably isn’t your problem. Debt probably isn’t your problem. The issue almost always lies in our hearts. The truth is, there’s more than enough money in the world to meet our needs… but even if we had it all, “the eyes of man are never satisfied.” We see this in the story of David […]
The 4 Biggest Money Secrets of Millionaires (that most people misunderstand)
The following is an abbreviated transcription from a video Linda and I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors. Have you ever wondered about millionaires, and what their money secrets are that “normal” people don’t get? In this article we’re diving into some super cool stuff– the 4 biggest money secrets of millionaires that most people […]
Do you have to be smart to be a millionaire?
Have you ever assumed that smarter people are wealthier than the rest of us? Well, I recently found this study that has been blowing my mind. The first part of it confirmed that smarter people do actually earn more – an average of $425 per IQ point. And I don’t think most of us are […]