How is SeedTime different than Dave Ramsey?
We get this question all the time.
Specifically, how our True Financial Freedom class for churches is different than Dave’s Financial Peace University class.
Well we have the same haircut and live in the same town, so…
But seriously, like millions of others, we have been greatly influenced by Dave we are grateful for his work for the Kingdom.
If you go through our True Financial Freedom program and his you will certainly see some similar beliefs, but not all.
Key differences between Dave Ramsey & SeedTime
Most notably we are not ANTI-credit cards and view credit cards as a modern tool for money management and that responsible adults can make that decision to use them for themselves.
We fully recognize the risks and we personally didn’t use them for over 7 years when we couldn’t use them wisely. But we developed 3 rules to use them wisely that we have followed and encourage our students to do the same should they choose to use credit cards.
Additionally, we are not fans of trying to use cash for all your purchases (with cash envelopes) so we use our Real Money Method instead.
But outside of that I think the biggest difference is in our tone and approach. While Dave is great at delivering tough love for people who need that, our approach is grace-based and we focus more on creating systems to help you reach your financial goals rather than just “being more disciplined” with your money.
All that said, SeedTime and Dave are on the same team serving the same King. We don’t view ourselves as competitors, but as complementary resources on your financial journey.
And sometimes you just want fish tacos instead of a burrito
We probably have 10-15 tex-mex restaurants within 20 mins of my house.
And just last week, another one opened up.
There wasn’t a single part of me that was annoyed or even thought that was a bad idea on their part.
I am just excited to see how they will create a taco. Sure, countless others have created a taco in a million different ways, but I am excited to see what they do differently.
And I enjoy the variety.
Dave, SeedTime, & Suze Orman
And if we take this analogy down a level, I might even say that Dave and SeedTime are both the same type of restaurant. So we might be Tex-Mex, whereas Suze Orman might be a burger joint.
But within this Tex-Mex category that Dave and SeedTime both reside (because we have a lot of similarities) Dave might be a beef burrito while we are fish tacos. Both good, many similarities, but also distinctly different.
And if all you have ever eaten is beef burritos, you might enjoy trying a fish taco.
Or maybe not.
But I think it”s nice to at least have that option…
And that”s why we wrote a book. That”s why we created our True Fininancial Freedom course.
It”s not because we don’t like beef burritos. It’s just that we think some people like fish tacos, too.
And we want to serve the people who love fish tacos as best as we possibly can.
And like I said, at the end of the day, Dave, his team and the SeedTime team all work for the same restaurant owner. And I believe that He loves His customers enough that He wants to give them some different menu options.