I don’t exactly remember when I started to tithe – probably about 7-8 years ago. But I do remember getting a new job that was nearly double my previous income and thinking, “Wow, so this is the result of tithing.” It was a helpful lesson to me since I was, like most, skeptical about the whole thing. I had heard about all the scandals with TV preachers and kind of grew up with a cynical attitude towards giving to the church. Somewhere along the line I decided to “take a chance” and try it out.
Christian Finances
Stress-free productivity: GTD review
t is basically about improving your time management skills and as the title implies, getting things done more efficiently to live a less stressful life. I have read a couple similar books, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Zen to Done and a few other generic time-management type books.
Christian Goal Setting
Should a Christian Set Goals? There seems to be a struggle for Christians in figuring out the appropriate balance between trusting God and waiting on Him and actively doing our part. Trusting in our own abilities to accomplish God’s work is the one extreme while not taking action when we should is the other extreme.
Christians and Debt
Should a Christian be in Debt? The Bible makes it clear that being in debt is not God’s best for us. I haven’t found anything to indicate that it is a sin for a Christian to be in debt
Would Jesus have an emergency fund?
I talk a lot about the importance of having an emergency fund and how it is a necessary ingredient to a sound financial plan. But, I thought we should step back and ask the necessary question, “Would Jesus have an emergency fund?”
Should you give to beggars?
Obviously, the Bible makes it very clear that we are to give to the poor. There are countless verses to support this. But, it also says in 2 Thessalonians 3:10, “For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.”
The power to get wealth (to establish his covenant)
But you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day. Deu 8:18
Notice that the above verse says he gives us the POWER to get wealth. There is action required on our part.