For the purposes of the article, I am defining Multi-level Marketing as any business that has a downline. Meaning members earn a percentage of the earnings of those they recruit. I currently have family members in MLMs, some friends in MLMs, have been recruited by Primerica and many others, and my wife even sold Stella and […]
Bible Verses about Planning
We all know that it’s best to have a plan, when it comes to almost everything. The Bible doesn’t leave out this tool. We need to plan. I’ve studied scripture to find Bible Verses about Planning. Let’s see what the Bible says! Genesis 41:34-36 Let Pharaoh take action to appoint overseers in charge of the […]
Do Not Worry! 7 Bible Verses about Worry
The uncertainty of life can get us down and cause worry in our lives. But, as a Christian, I am certain of who holds my future. Because of this, worry should be far from mind. God does not want us to worry! Let’s study scripture as we look at 7 Bible Verses about Worry… Isaiah […]
My New Favorite Money-Saving Strategy That You Aren’t Using
I just love finding new ways to save money. It is kind of an addiction really. 😉 And after spending years being a guinea pig with a lot of money-saving tips I created this 3-step process I used to help me save over 50% on almost all of my purchases. So today I just want […]
15 Awesome Ways To Make $200 Fast!
Want to make money quick? I surveyed 15 finance bloggers to see what the best ways to make quick money were… I asked how they would make a quick $200 (in under 2 weeks) these are their responses…
How I made $2,145 Last Month by decluttering
A few years ago I began a journey towards minimalism. And not the weird kind where you sleep on the floor and only have one plate and one fork, but a kind where I question all my possessions and get rid of the stuff I don’t need. I had read a few books that were […]
Why God’s way takes longer
As I was staring at this tree I began to realize that trees grow slowly. You plant a seed for a tree and it takes a while to sprout and takes a while to grow to a decent size.Grass and even plants, on the other hand, grow a lot faster. They sprout up quickly and sometimes you can even notice growth one day to the next. I have been enjoying watching this rapid growth with all of the plants in my vegetable garden.
How to get started investing in Real Estate for beginners
I have been wanting to do some real estate investing for years, but just haven’t gotten around to it yet. We all have our excuses don’t we? But a friend of mine, Brandon Turner, is part of the largest real estate investing website out there ( and has been investing in real estate for years. […]