Time to get out of debt. Time to not only make a budget, but time to sell something! What should you sell? Here are 20 ideas of things you can sell or downgrade in order to get your debt payment going.
The Blog
6 Wonderful Benefits Of Church Membership
According to a report in the Christian Post, church membership is down in the two largest Christian denominations. While the article admits that further research needs to be done to answer the question “why”, the report does state that “church-goers” who are in their 20s and 30s may attend a congregation but “resist” joining them.
Surviving Spouses: Financial Do’s and Don’ts
Because losing a spouse is commonly considered to be the most stressful event which can happen in a person’s lifetime, the surviving spouse faces the dilemma of needing to make clear financial decisions while dealing with the trauma of this loss. This “Do’s and Don’ts” checklist will help give direction to those who are navigating these rough waters.
Making Sacrifices to Get Out of Debt
This article focuses on the sacrifices that need to be made in order to get out of debt. The most important thing to remember about these sacrifices is that they are ONLY TEMPORARY!
How to Sell Your Stuff on Ebay
As part of my de-cluttering process, I sell my stuff on Ebay. There are lots of random items around the house that are perfect for selling on Ebay. If you have never sold on Ebay before, you will probably be surprised at how easy it is and how quick you can make a little money. Last time I made over $200 for only a few hours worth of time.
Do You Need an Emergency Fund?
Do you need an emergency fund? Well, I used to think of an emergency fund as robbing myself. Thankfully, I learned how beneficial an emergency fund is to my long-term financial well being.
How To Make A Simple Budget
What is the best way to make a budget? This step by step guide will show you how to make your budget. The first thing that anyone who wants to make a budget must do is to compare their income versus their expenses. The good thing is that it is quite easy to do…
5 Insurance Policies To Consider
I hope you never have to use what I’m about to discuss here: Insurance. Insurance is one of those financial products that you should have, but hope that you never actually use. Unfortunately, accidents do happen and those who have an insurance policy will be happy they planned ahead.