Do you have a plan to tackle your debt? It doesn’t necessarily need to be long and drawn out, but everyone should have some sort of debt reduction strategy if they want to get out of debt…
Debt Help
Why spending money wisely is a life-skill
It is incredibly important to start spending money wisely…
Should you tithe while trying to get out of debt?
Being in debt and Tithing… I can’t even count how many readers have emailed me asking me about whether or not they should tithe while getting out of debt. Tithing is a fiercely debated topic (read comments on the post I wrote called Tithing in the New Testament for proof) as you would expect with anything that seems to not make sense. I still wonder in amazement at how so many of God’s principles are absolute foolishness to non-christians… I mean who in their right mind would give expecting to have more?
29 tips on getting out of debt from you!
Recently I wrote a post asking the readers for tips to help another fellow reader get out of debt. There were quite a few really good responses, so I figured I would formulate it into it’s own reader generated post! So here goes…
6 tips for a debt free Christmas
Why after every Christmas are most people looking at huge credit card bills wondering, “Where did all that money go?” It is no different than any other area of our lives, if we don’t have a leash on it – it will be out of our control. Think of your money like your neighbor’s dog
Open your mind (Part 2)
Getting out of Debt Part 2…I have found that when I am challenged by something, I either open my mind to the possibility of it or I don’t. If I do open my mind to it, then I have to count the cost to decide if I want to do it. If so, the last and often easiest step is to just do it.
How to Get Out Of Debt
(Part 1 of 7)
Getting out of debt Part 1… If you are like most Christians I have met, you want to be able to give more. You have a good heart and wish you could give more. You really want to be able to bless people and give more to your church. But again, if you are like most that I have met, you are thinking, “it is hard enough just to pay the bills each month, let alone give to others the way I would like to.”
Getting out of Debt (Series)
Are you looking for help getting out of debt? …Over the last 2 years while working to get out of debt, we have paid off nearly $30,000 in consumer debts from some mistakes that we made in the past.