What does the Bible say about bankruptcy? Here is the truth about what the Bible says about bankruptcy.
Debt Help
Dave Ramsey critics
Dave Ramsey seems to attract quite a few critics these days. I have heard him being criticized for everything from being over-simplified to allowing people to use debit cards to buy his products.
Christians and Debt
Should a Christian be in Debt? The Bible makes it clear that being in debt is not God’s best for us. I haven’t found anything to indicate that it is a sin for a Christian to be in debt
How to budget with Capital One 360 (Formerly ING Direct)
Want to know how to budget? Well, ING Direct is my favorite budget tool. Here are the steps how I budget with ING Direct. You could probably use this same technique at other banks, but I will show you why it is more beneficial at ING Direct.
Expenses rise to meet income
Expenses rise to meet income. This is the gist of Parkinson’s law. This is the reason that a couple months after most people get a raise, it feels just as tight financially as it did before the raise.