If you have been part of the SeedTime family for a while you know some of our story.
You might know that my financial story began when I was stranded 1,000 miles from home in debt up to my eyeballs with only $7 to my name.
And out of that and through a series of adventures that God has led us on, He has helped us reach some goals that I would have thought were impossible:
- Making a full-time living from my blog (in 2008)
- Paying off our house in 3 years
- Giving $500k in 8 years
- Taking a 1-year sabbatical in 2017 (as in no work)
- Giving $1 mil by age 40
By the way, I share the keys to how we did all this in our upcoming book and the pre-order bonuses are pretty spectacular, just FYI. 😉
What”s ahead for us
But for the purposes of this article, I just wanted to give you a peek into what is ahead for us.
Taking that 1-year sabbatical in 2017 was one of the most life-changing experiences I”ve ever had.
And for reasons that I explain in the article I wrote about it here, I told God at the end of it that I’d love to take a 1-year sabbatical every 7 years for the rest of my life.
I know that sounds crazy.
It is probably impossible.
But to be honest I thought taking a 1 week sabbatical was impossible the first time I did it. Then I did a month for about 5 years in a row.
And then God invited me to do a year.
And guess what?
He sustained us and provided for us through it all.
Our business didn’t blow up. We were able to pay the bills. And most importantly Linda got to live indoors (which she really likes).
And so, I am open to whatever God has, but I figure why not try to create a rhythm of Sabbath rest every 7 years?
Again, it might be impossible, but this is what I am praying to see happen in 2024.
So what does this have to do with passive income?
A lot actually.
In 2017, a part of the natural provision that allowed us to eat and live indoors was some streams of passive income that we had.
Since then, for a variety of reasons, those streams are gone.
So for the next 2 years I have a goal that I am trying to reach. By 2024 I want to be making a living off passive income that we are generating. And so I am going to be working to systematically create enough passive income to replace our current earned income and carry us through 2024.
The reason I am sharing this with you is because I know you might be interested in increasing the amount of passive income you have coming in as well.
So over the next couple years my plan is to share a lot of the journey that we are on to create enough passive income to live on for a year.
My hope is that there will be a lot of ideas, strategies, and concepts that you can borrow from us as well.
I don’t have all the details yet, but we will probably sharing a lot of the journey with our readers (like you) and will probably be creating a course pulling everything in one place and going deeper into the details.
Either way, we will still be creating articles and videos on a variety of topics to help you thrive financially, but within that we are going to be sharing our journey to these next two “impossible” goals:
- Creating enough passive income to live off of in < 2 years
- Taking another 1-year sabbatical
This is about you too
Just as an encouragement to you, I know many people feel like “that”s good for you, but I”ll never be able to…”
Let me encourage you – I had that same feeling.
I remember being really scared when God first challenged me to take a Sabbath rest day each week (no work, no email, nothing).
And I remember literally dancing around our 1-bedroom apartment because we had made our first 7 cents of passive income.
The point is, these things start small.
It seems impossible to get from A to Z, but like our name suggests, everything starts with a seed.
I obviously can’t promise that you will be able to take a 1-year sabbatical or create enough passive income to live off of, but I can assure you that if you start with where you are and what you have, then we can help you make that seed grow.
You can have more of both than you have now.
Additionally, it is REALLY clear that sabbath rest is Biblical and God”s best for us.
Passive income may not be as overt Biblically, but I believe there are far too many enslaved to a 9-5 not doing the work God put them on the earth to do, and I want to see that changed.
All this to say, God has more for you so let”s get after it – what do you say?
So summing all this up…
I just wanted to share a little bit about what”s going on with us and our current financial goals.
And how if any of this sounds interesting to you, hopefully as we share our journey, it will help you on yours!