The reason for this post is to tell you/remind you about Rakuten – by far the easiest way to potentially save A LOT of money on your Christmas shopping (or any other time as well).
It’s called Rakuten (formerly Ebates), and I have been getting checks from them for about 10 years now.
In fact, this is the quarterly statement they sent me last month…

How it works:
It is a FREE cashback app, so all you need to do is open it (on mobile or desktop) and click through to the store you want to shop at.
When you do, you will get paid whatever percentage the site you shop for currently offers.
For example:
Last month, Linda and I needed some new shoes, so we went to, clicked the link to, and ordered our shoes like normal.
A few days later:
I got an email from them saying they were adding the money to my account.

They send a check every 3 months
They total up your earnings for the whole quarter and then send you a check (or direct deposit) every 3 months.
In fact, I couldn’t remember how long I have been using them and it turns out I have been getting checks from these guys since 2008!
Here was my first payout from them in 2008 when they were called Ebates…

What stores can you shop at?
They have over 2,500 stores available, so your favorites are probably there.
Then they pay you a percentage (up to 40% currently) of whatever you spend at the store you were going to shop at anyway.

I know it probably sounds too good to be true, but after 14 YEARS of using it myself, I feel pretty comfortable saying it is 100% legit. 😂
I made a 4-min video here showing how I use it and how it works:
Oh, and a $30 signup bonus
As if that wasn’t cool enough, they currently have a $30 bonus available to new users.
(Note: you can’t get this bonus on their site without going through the above link which is a referral link that helps us pay the bills – so thank you if you do use it!)
Again, this is a free app, and they are giving you $30 to start using it. When you do, you’ll start getting checks every three months like I have for the last 10 years.
And with Christmas shopping season here, this is a great tool to have in your arsenal!
Anyway, that’s the tip of the day.
Your friend and coach,