(The following is a transcription from a video Lauren and I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors.)

If you’re looking to find unclaimed money that might be owed to you without having to pay any money to find out, you’re going to love this article.
You just might be one of those lucky people who ends up finding thousands of dollars. So you just never know, and that’s why it’s so important to check.
I got an email from a reader recently who ended up finding over $400 using this technique, so I hope you have tons of success as well, and you find all kinds of money, but either way, this just doesn’t take much time.
If we haven’t met, my name is Bob Lotich and on this site, we give you tips and strategies just to put more money in your pocket, and then we also talk about some of the timeless biblical principles on how to handle that money.
Our Business Operations Manager, Lauren, and I created a video on this very subject. So, if you’d rather follow along in this process by watching, just click here:
If you’re watching the video, my suggestion would be to just pause it, so you can follow through with us step by step and then let us know down in the comments if you actually found some money.

What Is MissingMoney.com?
Alright, so we wanted to take a couple minutes to show you this great website called missingmoney.com. It’s essentially a website that searches all the States that participate, in the United States, to find any: missing, lost, or unclaimed property, money, or assets that you might have. It’s super simple.
How The Process Works
We’re going to walk through this and show you how the process works. Again, it’s missingmoney.com. So you’re going to click on the search feature from the menu. I’m just going to put my name in, select the State of Missouri, and hit go.

It’ll tell me if I have any money out there waiting for me. So you’ll see, these are all names that came up. None of them are my name, so I do not have any money out there waiting for me.

But, I’m going to go ahead and try another name just to see if I can show you what it looks like. I’m going to try my dad’s name, Robert Lotich, and pick Missouri and hit go. All right, so you’re going to see here, Robert Lotich has something out there, and it says that it’s under $50.

How To Claim Your Unclaimed Funds
When you click on the name, you’ll have to answer some questions: verifying that you are this person, that you’ve lived at the address. If it lists the company that it’s reported by, and you have conducted business with them in the past, and then you just hit one of these buttons here, either: Yes I can claim, No, I cannot claim, or Email someone who can. I’m obviously not going to claim this because this is not me, it’s my dad. But, I’m definitely going to let him know that it’s out here.

The process to claim your funds will vary. Depending on who the money is being reported by and what company owes you. Or what agency owes you the money. You might have to just answer some questions on a website.
They might send you something in the mail, like a form to fill out, and then you’ll send that back and get the money via check in the mail. It just depends on who it’s coming from. So there’s not a black and white way for me to show you this is the exact process. But, this is at least the process to: enter your name, see if you have anything out there, and then you can follow the steps after that. So super simple, definitely worth the 30 seconds that it’ll take to go to the website, enter your name, see if you have anything out there.
Like you saw, I do not have anything, so you very well might not as well, but it’s worth a shot. But I hope you take a couple seconds and to search and I hope you all have some money waiting out there for you.
Do You Find Any Unclaimed Funds?
We hope you found this helpful. And like I mentioned above, if you did find some money (or even if you didn’t), let us know in the comments down below. I’d love to hear kind of what the success rates are for different people and if any of our readers found unclaimed funds!