Want to get the most money from selling your old iPhone? Even if the iPhone is damaged and not working, you can sell it for the most cash on eBay.com. Selling an iPhone is not like selling clutter. There are some pitfalls to avoid, and there are ways to earn more money.
Can You Live on a Single Income?
If your household has always survived on at least two paychecks, the thought of living on a single income can be intimidating. It’s tough enough to live on two incomes — but one? It’s actually doable, but it can require a radical plan of action.
How Having an Emergency Fund Can Help You Save on Insurance Premiums
Your emergency savings is set aside to be used for nothing but emergencies. Right? Right! But that very fund can also be used to help you save on insurance premiums . . . .
What is Gross vs. Net Income?
Quickly, how would you would answer this question: “What’s your income?” Everyone should understand the difference between gross and net income and why both numbers are important in your financial life.
How to Get Health Insurance With No Job
Admittedly, getting health insurance with no job is a stretch. Why? Because no job implies no income, and health insurance companies aren’t in the business of giving away free coverage. However, there are instances when jobless people can get free or very inexpensive coverage. Also, alternatives to “normal” health insurance can sometimes save big time on “normal” premiums. Let’s explore some of these options.
What Are the Average Community College Tuition Costs? (It Might Shock You)
A few months ago, my 17-year old son was accepted into a fairly rigorous technical college that focuses on mechanics. I was happy for him, but at the same time, knew the tuition to attend the school would not be cheap. When the recruiter tallied up the costs associated with going to through the program — my wife and I were a bit shocked.
Why You Should be Happy With What You Have
What do you need to make you happy? A nicer car? A better paying job? A bigger house? The newest cell phone? Now let me ask another question: do you truly believe that these things will give you long term happiness? My guess is that life has taught you that whatever mood boost you might receive won’t last. It never does. The moment you get the latest and greatest, the euphoria dissipates and you begin longing for something else. Am I right?
How to Manage Money as a College Student
Campuses are gearing up for fresh-faced freshmen and returning students this fall. Many college students have a limited amount of money — along with limited experience in managing money. But the opportunities to spend are unlimited! Here are some tips for managing your money as a college student . . . .