(The following is an abbreviated transcription from a video Linda and I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors.) What would you say if I told you that you could set your kid up for millionaire status? You can. Especially if you own your own business. In this article you will see how you can […]
Raise Your Children to be Generous: 3 Important Tips
On a Spring day in 1998, I reluctantly notified our mission chairman that I wouldn’t be able to make the Mexico Mission trip. My reason? I did not have the $500 deposit. However, that same day, my daughter called, “Dad, I know that you really, really want to take this trip, and it just so happens that I have an extra $500. I want you to use it for your deposit.”
7 Simple Ways To Raise Non-Materialistic Children
Ironically, many children raised in wealth demonstrate the same tendencies as those who are raised in extreme poverty: depression, despair, attempted suicide, drug and alcohol use, and shoplifting. Why this behavior? The parents, who are way too busy making money, sacrifice meaningful time with their children.
5 Reasons to Put Your Retirement Plans Ahead of Your Children’s College
I recently spoke with a single mom who was planning to mortgage her paid for house in order to ease her children’s college burdens. Her logic? “I just can’t let them accumulate all of those student loans. What kind of a mother would?”
How to Raise a Child on Less Than $266,698
How much does it cost to raise a child these days? According to Baby Center web site, the cost of raising a child from baby to adulthood is $266,698. Now that you have pulled yourself up off the floor, I want to assure you that it is OK to bring babies into the world even […]