Make a better budget! These are my ten tips to build and keep a better budget.
Money Management
Getting out of Debt (Series)
Are you looking for help getting out of debt? …Over the last 2 years while working to get out of debt, we have paid off nearly $30,000 in consumer debts from some mistakes that we made in the past.
Budgeting is like baking cookies
For some reason the word “budget” has an interesting effect on most people causing them to cringe in pain more than the thought of going to the dentist. It really shouldn’t be as painful as people make it seem. If done correctly, it should give you MORE freedom to get what you want. If you think of a budget as a plan “that takes away all the fun” or eliminates your ability to get things you want, then you are doing it wrong.
How I organize my bank accounts
This article explains how I organize my bank accounts…If there is one thing that I have learned about personal finances, it is that nothing is one-size-fits-all. There are different tools, methods, products, and investments that work for different people at different phases of their lives. My system that I am currently using to manage my accounts and cashflow, did not work for me 5 years ago, but…