This is a tough question to answer because it is different for every person, but I like to think that the answer for most of us should be “a lot”…
Self Improvement Ideas
Quit spending (Part 4)
Getting out of debt part 4…Getting out of debt, creating wealth, living financially free, retiring with cash in hand can all be achieved by following one simple rule: Spend less money than you make.
Open your mind (Part 2)
Getting out of Debt Part 2…I have found that when I am challenged by something, I either open my mind to the possibility of it or I don’t. If I do open my mind to it, then I have to count the cost to decide if I want to do it. If so, the last and often easiest step is to just do it.
How to Get Out Of Debt
(Part 1 of 7)
Getting out of debt Part 1… If you are like most Christians I have met, you want to be able to give more. You have a good heart and wish you could give more. You really want to be able to bless people and give more to your church. But again, if you are like most that I have met, you are thinking, “it is hard enough just to pay the bills each month, let alone give to others the way I would like to.”
Stress-free productivity: GTD review
t is basically about improving your time management skills and as the title implies, getting things done more efficiently to live a less stressful life. I have read a couple similar books, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Zen to Done and a few other generic time-management type books.
Christian Goal Setting
Should a Christian Set Goals? There seems to be a struggle for Christians in figuring out the appropriate balance between trusting God and waiting on Him and actively doing our part. Trusting in our own abilities to accomplish God’s work is the one extreme while not taking action when we should is the other extreme.
Simplify your Closet
Tips for simplifying your closet. Most of us have clothes for different occasions. Clothes to lounge around the house in, to be casual, to dress up, to dress up really nice, to run errands in, to work in, to exercise in, to play in the snow in, to do yardwork in, and the list can go on and on. I always had a tendency to think that for each occasion I needed multiple outfits,
Should you give to beggars?
Obviously, the Bible makes it very clear that we are to give to the poor. There are countless verses to support this. But, it also says in 2 Thessalonians 3:10, “For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.”