I love checklists. Especially when I want to make progress in a particular area but don’t exactly know what steps to take. This is a personal financial checklist that covers many of the steps I have taken over last decade that have helped me move from being a financial mess to having a little bit of an idea of what’s going on.
Self Improvement Ideas
My five favorite quotes from Warren Buffett
These are my thoughts about my five favorite quotes from Warren Buffett… “Do business with people you like and who share your objectives.”Isn’t there more to life than money? I have met people who I wouldn’t work with for a million dollars, haven’t you? People are people and you will never be completely insulated from people who bug you, but if you are hiring them or choosing to work with them, they might as well be people you enjoy being around.
How to become richer than Rockefeller
So if we think of “wealth” in terms of amenities and luxuries rather than the number on our bank statement, I would say we are doing pretty good.
12 Ways To Turn a Bad Day Into a Better One
Bad days are inevitable. They happen to everyone. But, there are things you can do to make them better. Here are a few of my favorite ways to turn a bad day around…
How I Broke Free From The Rat Race (in less than 2 years)
A little over a year ago I ventured out into self-employment after spending much of the previous decade in the “Rat Race”. For most of that time I was a glorified pencil-pusher in the corporate abyss of a Fortune 500 company.
Now that I have spent over a year working for myself I can’t imagine doing anything else. For as trapped and held down as I felt before, I feel the opposite extreme of the joy of freedom. Just to be clear, self-employment has it’s own challenges and difficulties, but I honestly think they pale in comparison to what I went through while spinning my wheels in the Rat Race.
I Remember
I remember when I was living off of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese that was purchased on a nearly-maxxed out credit card. I remember the feeling of hopelessness as I watched my financial life spiral out of control before my eyes…
30 Motivational quotes to make it an Awesome day!
We all need a little encouragement from time to time. And, if today is a day where you’re needing some motivation, you’ve come to the right place. Let us help you start your day off with an inspiring quote or two (or thirty)! Tackle that day, ignite those dreams and be the change you want […]
5 lessons from the garden about fruit bearing
Who doesn’t want to be more loving, joyful, at peace, patient, kind, full of goodness, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled? Each of those are the fruit that the Bible says we should be bearing (John 15:16). I know I would love to see each one of those more in my own life – wouldn’t you? So, what do we need to do to bear more fruit?