A while back I did an experiment to see if I could start a profitable Ebay business. This article shows how I did it and what my results were…
I Remember
I remember when I was living off of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese that was purchased on a nearly-maxxed out credit card. I remember the feeling of hopelessness as I watched my financial life spiral out of control before my eyes…
What the Bible says about about Lending
We all know the saying, “A borrow is a slave to the lender.” There are many articles about borrowing money. But, I want to address the Lender. Here are several Bible Verses I’ve found about Lending… should we lend? If so, when is it okay to lend? Exodus 22:25 If you lend money to My […]
What the Bible says about Work
Do you know the subject of work is found pretty frequently in the Bible? I wanted to know what the Bible has to say when it comes to work. There are a variety of examples from working together, needing to work, why you should work and more. In my study of scripture, I found several […]
20 Frugal Date Ideas for Valentine’s Day
Since these days so many people are looking for cheap date ideas that are actually fun, I decided to create a little list of a few…
9 Homemade Christmas Gifts That Might Actually Get Used
Let’s be honest, we have all received some homemade Christmas gifts that never saw the light of day again – sometimes they are well intentioned and so we might not care that our peppermint-scented ruler holder won’t get too much use. The thought and love behind it makes up for it’s lack of usefulness…
How Trump’s Tax Plan Will Affect You
Whether you love Donald Trump or whether you are booking your flight to Canada, there’s no getting around that he has officially been voted into the Oval Office. I think everyone was surprised to see him win and that is okay, but now that he has I am curious to explore some of what lies […]
How to Decide who to Vote for (when you don’t like any of the options)
This is written for the millions of us REALLY struggling with this decision. I have worked painstakingly hard to create a non-partisan guide to help YOU decide who to vote for this year. I don’t feel right about pushing a political agenda with this site, but for those just dying to know the conclusions I […]