Over 15 free budgeting tools… Some of these budgeting tools are online applications, some are downloadable software, some are for Windows, some are for Mac and Linux, some of them may have lots of bells and whistles, and some may be overly simplified. I suggest you dig through and see if what works for your budget. Every person is different, therefore every budget will be different. It may take some time to find what fits you best, but it is out there and if it isn’t create it and let me know about it!
5 ways reading CPF can put cash in your pocket!
1) Earn some real interest on your savings. If you are still sitting using a “traditional” savings account that is paying you 0.5% on your savings, you are leaving a lot of cash on the table. For every $3,000 in savings, you could easily be earning an extra $100 a year in interest. I like […]
My tithing experience
I don’t exactly remember when I started to tithe – probably about 7-8 years ago. But I do remember getting a new job that was nearly double my previous income and thinking, “Wow, so this is the result of tithing.” It was a helpful lesson to me since I was, like most, skeptical about the whole thing. I had heard about all the scandals with TV preachers and kind of grew up with a cynical attitude towards giving to the church. Somewhere along the line I decided to “take a chance” and try it out.
10 tips for a better budget
Make a better budget! These are my ten tips to build and keep a better budget.
Quit spending (Part 4)
Getting out of debt part 4…Getting out of debt, creating wealth, living financially free, retiring with cash in hand can all be achieved by following one simple rule: Spend less money than you make.
Open your mind (Part 2)
Getting out of Debt Part 2…I have found that when I am challenged by something, I either open my mind to the possibility of it or I don’t. If I do open my mind to it, then I have to count the cost to decide if I want to do it. If so, the last and often easiest step is to just do it.
How to Get Out Of Debt
(Part 1 of 7)
Getting out of debt Part 1… If you are like most Christians I have met, you want to be able to give more. You have a good heart and wish you could give more. You really want to be able to bless people and give more to your church. But again, if you are like most that I have met, you are thinking, “it is hard enough just to pay the bills each month, let alone give to others the way I would like to.”
Getting out of Debt (Series)
Are you looking for help getting out of debt? …Over the last 2 years while working to get out of debt, we have paid off nearly $30,000 in consumer debts from some mistakes that we made in the past.