It isn’t too difficult to find a place to file your federal tax return for free, but finding a service to file your state return for free is another story. Here’s what I found . . . .
The 3 types of tithing in the Bible, and the 2 you shouldn’t do
(The following is an abbreviated transcription from a video Linda and I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors.) So the other night, Linda and I were teaching our six-week financial class called True Financial Freedom. We’re on week two with our awesome students. And we do a little Q&A at the end of each […]
Why I am not ANTI credit cards
(The following is an abbreviated transcription from a video Linda and I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors.) Everybody knows that Dave Ramsey hates credit cards. And it’s funny, because people just assume that I feel the same way. However, we don’t share the same credit card philosophy. I’m not ANTI credit cards, just […]
Crypto. The future? A hyped bubble? & a look at how I am investing in it
I recently sent out an email to our subscribers sharing a new investing strategy I am testing out and like usual when a new/unfamiliar idea is presented there are some naysayers… And this wasn’t really an email that I thought was controversial in the least. It was basically an email explaining that I view my […]
The 3 best investing lessons I learned from my millionaire mentor
(The following is an abbreviated transcription from a video Linda and I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors.) In this article, we’re talking about some of the best investing lessons I learned from my millionaire mentor. We will be going over three lessons I learned that will be beneficial to anyone who is investing […]
How to enjoy reading again
(The following is an abbreviated transcription from a video I recorded with Jeff Brown. Please excuse any typos or errors.) Hey guys, I’m excited today because I got to interview Jeff Brown about how to enjoy reading again (and why it is so important). He is an author speaker and he runs this fantastic podcast […]
My Checklist To Financial Freedom (PDF)
I love checklists. Especially when I want to make progress in a particular area but don’t exactly know what steps to take. This is a personal financial checklist that covers many of the steps I have taken over last decade that have helped me move from being a financial mess to having a little bit of an idea of what’s going on.
Hiding purchases from your spouse? [Read this]
(The following is an abbreviated transcription from a video Linda & I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors.) Are you hiding purchases from your spouse? Or, is this something your spouse may be doing? Have you seen those memes where they are hiding the FedEx deliveries? The FedEx guy shows up and you are […]