The fact is, it is more difficult to set up a budget when you never know how much you are going to make each month – but it still can (and in my opinion) should definitely be done. I happen to think it is far more important for those with irregular income to set up a budget because of the quick damage that can be caused if you don’t…
Christian Budgeting – Bible Verses about Budgeting
Do you have a household budget? Everyone needs to have a budget. From experience, budgeting allows freedom. When you tell your money where to go, I’ve found that I actually have more money. Instead of wasting money on daily insignificant wants, I can afford my goals of bigger wants! The Bible also discusses the need […]
Starting an Ebay Business: A Step-by-Step Guide
A while back I did an experiment to see if I could start a profitable Ebay business. This article shows how I did it and what my results were…
I Remember
I remember when I was living off of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese that was purchased on a nearly-maxxed out credit card. I remember the feeling of hopelessness as I watched my financial life spiral out of control before my eyes…
What the Bible says about about Lending
We all know the saying, “A borrow is a slave to the lender.” There are many articles about borrowing money. But, I want to address the Lender. Here are several Bible Verses I’ve found about Lending… should we lend? If so, when is it okay to lend? Exodus 22:25 If you lend money to My […]
What the Bible says about Work
Do you know the subject of work is found pretty frequently in the Bible? I wanted to know what the Bible has to say when it comes to work. There are a variety of examples from working together, needing to work, why you should work and more. In my study of scripture, I found several […]
20 Frugal Date Ideas for Valentine’s Day
Since these days so many people are looking for cheap date ideas that are actually fun, I decided to create a little list of a few…
9 Homemade Christmas Gifts That Might Actually Get Used
Let’s be honest, we have all received some homemade Christmas gifts that never saw the light of day again – sometimes they are well intentioned and so we might not care that our peppermint-scented ruler holder won’t get too much use. The thought and love behind it makes up for it’s lack of usefulness…