You can deduct your expenses related to volunteer work. One year when filing my taxes, I used Taxcut rather than one of the free tools I mentioned to get free state tax filing. I should have taken my own advice . . . .
Swagbucks Review (+6 Great Ways I Made Money With It)
Swagbucks is a site that allows you to earn cash/rewards in a variety of ways. I’ve used them off and on over the last few years, and am now just getting around to writing a thorough review of them.
24 Bible Verses For Business Owners
I did some digging to find some scriptures about business, because I want to do business the right way. So whether you are a business owner, an employee of a business, or just buy stuff from businesses (that covers just about all of us — right?) there is some wisdom to be received from these scriptures.
The 25 Most Common Job Interview Questions Asked
Ah, the joy of job interviews. The whole process seems to be a pretty inefficient way of hiring good employees, but it doesn’t look like it is going away any time soon. Rather than getting frustrated at the process, our best course of action is probably to go with the flow and learn how to play the game…
10 Famous Quotes to Help Us Beat Fear & Laziness
It’s no secret that I like quotes. I am one of those guys who can get really motivated by the right words. And while some of the best encouraging quotes are in the Bible, there have been a lot of brilliant minds who have said some pretty inspiring words that still help me when I read them. So I decided to gather up the 10 best motivation quotes (in my opinion, of course!).
7 Tips To Be A Smart Black Friday Shopper
Retailers are intelligent, but you can outwit them by being a smart Black Friday shopper. Here are some of the best tips I’ve come across to save money and get the best deals.
18 Beautiful Bible Verses
It seems that there are some amazing designers out there who are creating some amazing graphic representations of Bible verses. I get encouraged by having these types of things pop up on my Facebook page, so I thought I would compile a few of my favorites in one location. I have found many of these […]
9 Creative Ways to Say Thank You
These are my favorite creative ways to say thank you… A lot of respect can be earned or lost by our ability to say thanks. It may not be the way it should be, but some people really take offense if they don’t receive a thank you card within 30 days of sending a wedding gift. And have you ever held the door for someone who didn’t even acknowledge your presence, much less say, “thanks”?