“I’m sorry. We’re going to have to let you go.” These words strike fear into the hearts of wage earners across the U.S. every day. What if it happens to you? Do you know what to do? Two months ago my husband lost his job. It was tempting to panic, knowing our family had just […]
The Blog
Helping Vs Enabling: How To Know Which Is Which
Christians have a dilemma. We are told to help the needy and we are also told to be wise. The challenge is to do both simultaneously. Is it possible that our “help” isn’t actually helping? Could we be enabling instead? How do we know the difference? What are some guidelines? First, some definitions: Helping is doing something…
6 Things You Can Buy That Will Pay for Themselves in a Year
I must say that I really get a kick out of doing little things that will pay big dividends. So each of these 6 items offer a little bit of that promise. Put a few bucks in now and save more! What I love about it is that, you can run out and buy everything mentioned here and actually be richer in a year! Yes you are welcome!
How to use Dave Ramsey’s Envelope System [and 4 Envelope System Wallets]
I have noticed that since I’ve started using the envelope system, I’m spending about $60 less per two-week period than when I used a debit card. I think it’s because when I lay three $20s down for groceries, it hurts! When I paid with debit, it didn’t really register with me. –My Total Money Makeover […]
10 Ways To Make Money For Teenagers This Summer
Before dropping off your first application for a summer job, you should first first stop and define what the perfect summer job looks like. Some teens would love to spend the summer working at a camp, and others would be content setting up their own business. Here are a few fun summer job ideas and ways to make sure you define what you are looking for before you begin your search…
How to overcome the fear of failure
No one likes to fail, but often it is a critical component to our success. These are a few of the things I did to overcome my fear of failure
10 Easy Ways to Save Money at the Vet
You feel the familiar ache of worry in the pit of your stomach. Something isn’t right with Fido. He’s lethargic and not acting like himself. Is it something major? Fido is a part of the family. You can’t bear to see him hurting. In your heart of hearts you know it’s time to take him […]
5 Reasons to Put Your Retirement Plans Ahead of Your Children’s College
I recently spoke with a single mom who was planning to mortgage her paid for house in order to ease her children’s college burdens. Her logic? “I just can’t let them accumulate all of those student loans. What kind of a mother would?”