The possibility of a lower monthly house payment would be welcome by any homeowner, but lower payments aren’t always what they seem. And what about those who are not in a position to refinance — are they out of luck?
The Blog
The Parable of the Sower: A New Perspective
It’s fascinating to read the parables of Jesus because there always seems to be something new that comes from it. That’s how I feel about the parable of the sower.
30+ Kitchen Organization Tips
This article is a great compilation of the best ways to get the best use out of your kitchen. Below are a few of my favorite kitchen organizing accessories – all can be found on Amazon for less than $50! Cabinet Organizers Your cabinets will hold more when you use shelves, dinner plate organizers, pan […]
20 Ways to Organize Your Car
There are so many tips and tricks to help keep your car organized – check out a few of my favorite car organizing accessories! You can find them all on Amazon for under $25! Backseat/Trunk Organizer From Car Organizer From Travel Trashcan From Backseat Kids Toy Organizer From All moms know […]
Swagbucks Review (+6 Great Ways I Made Money With It)
Swagbucks is a site that allows you to earn cash/rewards in a variety of ways. I’ve used them off and on over the last few years, and am now just getting around to writing a thorough review of them.
The 3 No-brainer Investments That Should Come First
Many investors are more than a bit intimidated when it comes to getting started. They mistakenly assume that investing needs to be complicated in order to be successful. That belief may even cause them to delay investing, or even to never get on board at all. In truth however, investing can be incredibly simple ”“ […]
3 Ways You Can Become Self-Financing
Millions of people are on a debt treadmill. It starts the first time you swipe a credit card to cover a shortfall in your budget. Do that enough times, and before long you’re working to pay credit cards and other forms of debt.
Don’t file an insurance claim until you read this
Our daughter Jaime called to tell us, through angry tears, that she learned from her mortgage company that her homeowner’s insurance policy had been cancelled.