Managing Money God”s Way: 31-Day Devotional

Join Bob in his 31-day daily devotional as he shares his own experiences, insights, questions, and discoveries about Biblical money management and what we can do to be better stewards of our money.
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God & Money: 6-Week Bible Study

Designed for both small groups and individuals, God & Money is a 6-Week Bible study that will teach you invaluable financial lessons, encourage discussion, and offer action items to help you get results.
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How to Make Money Blogging

Follow along as Bob covers all the steps he took to make money from his blog.
Topics include steps to start blogging in 10 minutes, blogging basics, 3 primary ways to earn from your blog, how to get traffic to your blog, SEO tips for bloggers and much more!
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Pro-Blogging Secrets

Pro-Blogging Secrets is the follow-up to How to Make Money Blogging; learn how Bob and his team gained 20,000+ legit Facebook fans in less than 7 months, increased earnings by $1,000/month with a 5-minute exercise, hire extremely qualified workers who share his vision and more!