I keep checking my mailbox to get an invitation to speak at a school graduation, but alas, the invitation never came. Therefore, I’m going to share 10 tips I wish I had when I graduated (high school and college). 1. When given the choice to learn from your own mistakes or the mistakes of others . . .
Managing Money
4 Habits of Millionaires (Have Any of These?)
The book The Millionaire Next Door analyzes the financial habits of millionaires. It shares the results from interviews and surveys with millionaires. The goal of the book is to give an accurate idea of what characteristics make a millionaire. I found four of those characteristics especially important . . . .
How to Calculate Your Net Worth & Why You Should
While I think few would argue that paying off debts is a good thing, there is a better way to accurately see the big picture of your finances. It is called your NET WORTH. And no it is not just a number that rich people talk about at cocktail parties. It is what financially savvy people use to track their progress.
15 Timeless Financial Quotes Worth Reading
Some people have the ability to squeeze a lot of meaning into a few words … words that anchor themselves in our minds and guide us, often when we are not expecting it. These meaningful snippets, over time, become oft quoted sayings. In this post, I will quote — and comment on — some very common and some not so common financial sayings.
4 Money Habits To Start in Your 20s (that basically guarantee financial success)
This article is a call to all of you just out of high-school, just out of college, or in the newlywed phase. It really applies to any ages, but being in your 20s you have the opportunity to avoid so much financial heartache that so many of us “older” folks have gone through because we […]
5 Money Lessons for your Kids
I recently chatted with Art Rainer and we talked about how we can teach our children about money. It was a great conversation with some simple takeaways that I hope you enjoy! You can watch the video or read the transcription below! [mv_video key=”ss7nnaruk84gg3unzjnj” volume=”70″ sticky=”false” ratio=””] Bob Lotich: Hey everybody, I have Art Rainer […]
Net Given: The Better Metric To Track
(The following is a transcription from a video Linda and I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors.) We’ve recorded a video about “8 Habits of Wealthy and Successful People.” And one of the things that they did, was that they keep track. This is actually something that we had already been thinking and talking […]
7 Reasons You Should Review Your Life Insurance Policy
Figuring that you never have to review your insurance needs is one of the most common misconceptions about life insurance! But, if you don’t review your plan annually — or, for that matter, don’t have a financial plan — here are some guidelines to know when you should review your life insurance.