Ever feel like your life is stuck in fast-forward? From the moment our feet hit the floor in the morning, it seems like we never let up on life’s gas pedal . . . .
Managing Money
Is Refinancing Your Mortgage Always a Good Idea?
The possibility of a lower monthly house payment would be welcome by any homeowner, but lower payments aren’t always what they seem. And what about those who are not in a position to refinance — are they out of luck?
3 Ways You Can Become Self-Financing
Millions of people are on a debt treadmill. It starts the first time you swipe a credit card to cover a shortfall in your budget. Do that enough times, and before long you’re working to pay credit cards and other forms of debt.
Don’t file an insurance claim until you read this
Our daughter Jaime called to tell us, through angry tears, that she learned from her mortgage company that her homeowner’s insurance policy had been cancelled.
Do You Need a Living Trust, a Will, or Both?
Many people don’t really enjoy thinking about their impending passing from this earth, which means that questions about wills, trusts, and estate distribution can be disconcerting. Still, it’s smart to consider what will happen to your estate and your sentimental belongings at your passing.
$500 a Month You Might Be Overlooking
Would an extra $500 a month help? Of course. And it is possible that you already have that $500; you simply need to corral it and use it.
How to Buy “Throw Away” Cars
Some people do not want to drive older cars (especially when they are not nice looking), but I am content to do so, especially while we are working so hard on building a financial foundation. If you want to look for a “throw away” car, here are some things to keep in mind.
What are Treasures In Heaven?
I often think about what Jesus might say regarding the American Dream. Would he want everyone to be a homeowner, everyone to have comfort and the security of a nice economy with nothing to worry about?