I must admit I don’t think much about Social Security as a retirement option these days. How could I when most financial advisors and experts tell you to plan around it and don’t depend on it because it won’t be there by the time you retire (unless you’re close to retirement). Personally, I focus on contributing to my company’s 401(k), my Roth IRA and traditional IRA as the best sources of retirment income. ..
Saving Money
12 Factors that Affect Your Home Insurance Rates
An important part of any good financial plan is to have a goal for moving forward, and also to have a good defensive financial plan. Of course, insurance is a key component in financial defense. Most importantly, I think that insurance is biblical. Like any sort of shopping, when buying insurance you are looking to get…
Bank On Yourself | Review
The book was written to those who are tired of gambling with their financial future but instead would like a secure and predictable financial future. It reveals the strategy for taking back control of one’s financial future that Wall Street, banks, and credit card companies don’t want people to know…
Cash Envelope Budgeting
In case you don’t know or need a refresher, cash envelope budgeting involves using envelopes to manage money. An envelope is created for each of your budget categories such as food, clothes, entertainment, transportation, etc. After you receive a paycheck you fund each individual envelope (or budget category) the cash allotted to it for the month…
Be A Blessing | 10 Creative Ways To Give
I am a missionary, and my family is supported by the generous contributions given to our ministry. When you’re fundraising, it is nice to know some generous Christians with the means to give. That is why I was touched when I read the following words:“When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices; when the wicked…
4 Things the Apostle Paul Teaches Us About Money & Giving
The Apostle Paul is the most well-known Christian missionary. He was beaten, persecuted, shipwrecked and thrown into prison numerous times for His faith, and yet wrote half of the New Testament! So let’s take a look at what the Apostle Paul teaches us about our money…
Short Term Mission Trips | 17 Ways To Save Money
There is a high cost associated with missions. Stewardship is about stretching every dollar, gift, and resource we have for the sake of God’s kingdom. One great way to minimize the cost of an overseas mission trip is by saving money on necessary items along the way.
What’s the Best Way to Help the Poor?
If you’re a Christian, you can’t help but read the Bible and be overwhelmed by God’s concern for the poor, weak and marginalized in society. He tells us to be concerned for the widow and the orphan. Jesus himself said in Matthew 25 that, “As you did to one of the least of these, you did to me” meaning that if we gave food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty and clothes to the naked, it’s as if we did it to Jesus!