Do you not have any money for Christmas this year? After some of the financial challenges of this year it seems like there going to be more people who don’t have much cash for Christmas gifts this year. If you are in a tight spot this year and want to have a debt-free Christmas, then we need to get a little creative.
Saving Money
6 tips for a debt free Christmas
Why after every Christmas are most people looking at huge credit card bills wondering, “Where did all that money go?” It is no different than any other area of our lives, if we don’t have a leash on it – it will be out of our control. Think of your money like your neighbor’s dog
The best place to save money
Where is the best place to open a savings account? I often get asked where the best place to save money is. I think it depends a little bit on your goals, but for now the simple answer is ING Direct. If you are stocking away a quarter million dollars in your savings account, I wouldn’t recommend them since they do not have the highest interest rates.
Should I pull my money out of the bank?
Should you pull your money out your bank? Well, this is my opinion on the whole financial crisis in the U.S. and how it will affect our money.
8 reasons Rubbing Alcohol is my money-saving hero!
You know they say you can’t be all things to everyone. Rubbing Alcohol apparently disagrees. After doing a little investigating, I discovered a bunch of uses for it that I never knew about before. The beautiful thing is that you can get rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) just about anywhere for less than a buck a bottle. It is for these 8 reasons that Rubbing Alcohol is my hero!!
Budgeting Software: 13 Great Free Budget Software Tools
Over 15 free budgeting tools… Some of these budgeting tools are online applications, some are downloadable software, some are for Windows, some are for Mac and Linux, some of them may have lots of bells and whistles, and some may be overly simplified. I suggest you dig through and see if what works for your budget. Every person is different, therefore every budget will be different. It may take some time to find what fits you best, but it is out there and if it isn’t create it and let me know about it!
5 ways reading CPF can put cash in your pocket!
1) Earn some real interest on your savings. If you are still sitting using a “traditional” savings account that is paying you 0.5% on your savings, you are leaving a lot of cash on the table. For every $3,000 in savings, you could easily be earning an extra $100 a year in interest. I like […]
Quit spending (Part 4)
Getting out of debt part 4…Getting out of debt, creating wealth, living financially free, retiring with cash in hand can all be achieved by following one simple rule: Spend less money than you make.