The Bible says that Solomon was the richest man who ever lived and also the wisest ever to live (1 Kings 4:31). I think that makes him qualified to give some financial advice
Christian Finances
12 Ways To Turn a Bad Day Into a Better One
Bad days are inevitable. They happen to everyone. But, there are things you can do to make them better. Here are a few of my favorite ways to turn a bad day around…
How To Set Up A Budget With Inconsistent Income
The fact is, it is more difficult to set up a budget when you never know how much you are going to make each month – but it still can (and in my opinion) should definitely be done. I happen to think it is far more important for those with irregular income to set up a budget because of the quick damage that can be caused if you don’t…
I Remember
I remember when I was living off of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese that was purchased on a nearly-maxxed out credit card. I remember the feeling of hopelessness as I watched my financial life spiral out of control before my eyes…
10 Things American Christians Must Do With Their Money
Let’s face it. If you live in America, you are rich. Sure, there are exceptions like those who can’t afford food or shelter, but generally speaking, if you compare yourself to others around the world, you are filthy rich…
New Law on Bank Overdraft Fees & The “Courtesy” Overdraft Protection
Recently Consumer Reports released an article discussing the new Federal law pertaining to banks and their overdraft services. Not sure if the motivation for the new regulation was customers like the one above, but I think it is probably a good thing.
Believe it or not, that $35 fee that the bank charges you when you overdraw your account is actually a “service” that your bank is offering you. They care so much about your well being that they want you to be able to buy that Snickers bar without being told that you don’t have the money in your account. 😉 And then they charge you $35 when you spend 50 cents more than you have in your account…
What are Treasures In Heaven?
I often think about what Jesus might say regarding the American Dream. Would he want everyone to be a homeowner, everyone to have comfort and the security of a nice economy with nothing to worry about?
The 6 “R’s” of Christian Personal Finance: Important Biblical Principles
We want to honor God in all that we do. Honoring Him is, of course, commanded. The more we come to love God, though, the more it should be our desire to honor Him in all we do. That needs to be true in our financial lives as much as it is true in any other area of our lives.