Alright, so you’re ready to earn some extra money. Perhaps you need to pay off debt or build your emergency fund. But how? No worries, here are 21 ways to earn extra money. Some are easy, some are difficult. Find the jobs that match your lifestyle and go make some extra cash!
Featured Articles
10 Free Bible Study Resources And Tools
I’ve spent some time searching around the web to see what I could find. Overall, I’ve found some great free resources for learning and studying God’s Word. Therefore, I decided to provide you 10 free Bible study resources I came across in which I think may be worthwhile to visit and review to see if they fit your needs…
7 Scriptures On Wise Money Management
Let’s acknowledge that the American economy doesn’t look good right now, but the Bible has a lot to say about provision that we should see as truth, and it’s something we can hold onto, in times as dread-inducing as these. Let us see 7 different perspectives about money and provision that the Bible offers…
Bank On Yourself | Review
The book was written to those who are tired of gambling with their financial future but instead would like a secure and predictable financial future. It reveals the strategy for taking back control of one’s financial future that Wall Street, banks, and credit card companies don’t want people to know…
When Can You Withdraw From Your Traditional IRA?
For some reason I get this question a lot in my day job, so I thought I’d provide a little clarification on some of the rules regarding withdrawals from Individual Retirement Arrangements, or IRAs.
IRAs were designed to provide an opportunity for folks to save for retirement on a pre-tax, tax-deferred basis. In other words, the money grows without having to pay any taxes on the gains.
5 Legitimate Work From Home Jobs & Opportunities
We live in tough times. Those who are not unemployed are under-employed. Many people agonize between taking a second job and family time. My goal is to share with you some resources that allow you to earn extra income for your family from the comfort of your own home on your schedule. Many of these examples I have personally used to add extra income to my household when needed. I am not going to focus on starting an online business in this post (although, for the diligent there is money to be made in blogging, Adsense, creating your own products, selling on ebay, and affiliate sales.) Instead, I want to introduce to you a few reputable work-from-home companies that will pay you for your work…
Resources and Ways to Cut Your Debt Load
The series/eBook basically takes you through all the things that my wife (Linda) and I have done to pay down our debts. When we got married we had about $40,000 of debt. Even though that was a sizeable amount of debt, we had a very strong desire to get rid of it. This intense desire drove us to make sacrifices that seemed pretty uncommon when we looked at those around us. But, as Dave Ramsey often says, “You have to live like no one else (now), so that you can live like no one else (in the future)”…
Saving on your home energy bill – 22 ways
I am getting ready to embark on an all out battle against our energy bills and I know the next couple months are going to be tough. It’s been a cold December, but January and February are always a bit more intense. But after doing some homework, I found a bunch of simple things that we can do to lower our bills this winter. Even though I should have done this 2 months ago, I am going to basically treat this as my checklist of things to do to over the next couple weeks…