This was a difficult list to come up with.
A couple months back when I asked the readers for suggestions on great Christian Financial sites, I just thought I would be able to throw this together in 30 minutes. And maybe I could have, but I wanted to create a list of websites that have helped me in my journey to understand how to manage money God’s way and that would help the SeedTime readers here as well.
How I picked the top 20
You don’t really realize how many websites there are on a given topic until you do something like this. It was difficult narrowing it down to 20, but I figured within these 20 sites you should be able to find everything you would want to about Christian finance. That said, I know there are some that I still don’t know about, so please add suggestions for next year in the comments…
I didn’t list our blog here on this list, but I would hope that we would make this list if someone else created it!
When choosing the websites I was looking for…
- A site that was focused on some aspect of biblical money management
- Written for a Christian audience
- That contained either a wealth of free content/resources or an indication that it would get there in the future (for blogs this means regular updating)
Originally I was planning on ranking them, and quickly decided against it. Comparing apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, and mangos is crazy enough. So I decided to put them in alphabetical order and divide them by type.
So, if you are looking for more Christian Financial resources I encourage you to take a look at the top 20!
The top 20 for 2009
The Top Christian Websites
Crown.org – The Crown Financial website has hundreds of articles sorted by topic and has lots of other goodies and resources.
eChristianFinance.com – A good place to find some good articles about Christian finances and stewardship. They also have a bunch of tools and worksheets as well.
Generousgiving.org – This site is just loaded with information. There are tons of videos, audio interviews, articles, etc.
Masteryourmoney.com – Ron Blue’s site that has tons of free videos answering common financial questions. Seriously, I think they have a video answer to every question you could have about your money.
Moralmoney.com – MoralMoney is focused on helping Christians make investment decisions that line up with their beliefs. They have a free newsletter and a free stock-screening tool that will help you decide if a company is worthy of your investment dollars.
The Top Christian Blogs
Biblemoneymatters.com – Bible Money Matters is a blog that was launched in February of 2008 as a place for Pete to put down his thoughts on matters of his Christian faith and how it affects his finances. Pete writes really good content and I encourage you to check it out.
Centsablemomma.com – Corrie is a momma who writes this mom-blog that focuses on frugality and couponing. If you are looking to learn more about couponing, this would be a good site to check out.
Christianfinanceblog.com – Henry started this blog a couple of years ago and has been faithful to pass along biblical revelation as he uncovers it. He often reminds readers of scriptures relevant to our finances.
ChristianMoneyMountain.com – Travis started this blog a couple just a couple months ago and I have been impressed with the quality of articles he has on it. He tends to post every other day and has a good mix of articles.
Crackerjackgreenback.com – A fairly new blog written by Paul who is a Christian Financial Planner. He writes about prudent ways to handle your money and often discusses how scriptures should affect our decisions.
Freemoneyfinance.com – This blog has been around for years and puts out more content than any blog I know. I think he posts about 7 times a day and every sunday FMF writes about the Bible and Money.
Gatherlittlebylittle.com – This blog is written by “Gibble” and he started right around the time I started ChristianPF. The site was birthed out of a very challenging time in his life, but he says, and I agree, that “it’s a terrible place to be when you are there, but you learn more than you ever thought possible.” The blog is frequently updated and always has interesting content.
Jayperoni.com – I have known Jay for a few months now and have enjoyed his no-holds-barred writing on his blog. He is an author and investment professional and has a passion to help Christians invest according to their beliefs. He also has a very well done radio show that you can listen to on his site as well.
Kingdomfirstmom.com – As the name suggests this is a mom-blog. Alyssa puts it best when she says her mission is to, “to save more and give more, one coupon at a time.”
Rcvogler.com – Another Bob writes this site that is primarily focused on finances. He does a good job of finding useful articles from the corners of the web…
Richchristianpoorchristian.com – This is an encouraging and motivating blog written by Pastor Larry Jones. He writes a lot about stewardship, personal motivation and success.
Sensiblesteward.com – This blog is run be another Dave Ramsey fan and has been going for a couple years now. As the name suggests it is geared towards becoming the best stewards we can with what we’ve been given.
Toddcolucy.com – Todd is a church CPA who has been writing his blog for almost 3 years. He says the blog is his creative outlet. He typically posts about twice a week and often writes quick nuggets of wisdom from his personal experiences.
Wealthfromthebible.com – CoolHappyGuy writes this blog and I wish I could get him to update it more! He writes scripture-packed thought-provoking articles that provide some helpful insight about biblical money management.