Whether you love Donald Trump or whether you are booking your flight to Canada, there’s no getting around that he has officially been voted into the Oval Office. I think everyone was surprised to see him win and that is okay, but now that he has I am curious to explore some of what lies […]
How to Decide who to Vote for (when you don’t like any of the options)
This is written for the millions of us REALLY struggling with this decision. I have worked painstakingly hard to create a non-partisan guide to help YOU decide who to vote for this year. I don’t feel right about pushing a political agenda with this site, but for those just dying to know the conclusions I […]
5 lessons from the garden about fruit bearing
Who doesn’t want to be more loving, joyful, at peace, patient, kind, full of goodness, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled? Each of those are the fruit that the Bible says we should be bearing (John 15:16). I know I would love to see each one of those more in my own life – wouldn’t you? So, what do we need to do to bear more fruit?
What to do when all your hard work gets wrecked by unexpected financial challenges
An email came in asking a question on a very important topic: handling the disasters that hit when you’re in the process of getting your financial situation under better control, but haven’t yet reached paydirt. Donna asks: ‘… what about those times when I’m doing everything right – created the budget and staying on it, […]
How To Create A Will In Less Than 10 Minutes And For FREE!
Well, if you didn’t know (and I am sure you didn’t), this month is National “Make-A-Will” month. And while I tend to think manufactured holidays and “months” like this are silly, in this case I think it is a good reminder for those who haven’t taken this critical and simple step. So today I am […]
What To Do When You Hate Your Job (4 Keys To A Brighter Future)
These are 4 important things to do when you hate your job…
How to get textbooks for free
This was a trick I discovered late in college, that I wish I would have known about earlier, it could have saved me thousands over my college years. It shouldn’t take more than a hour and could save you hundreds each semester.
6 Things You Can Buy That Will Pay for Themselves in a Year
I must say that I really get a kick out of doing little things that will pay big dividends. So each of these 6 items offer a little bit of that promise. Put a few bucks in now and save more! What I love about it is that, you can run out and buy everything mentioned here and actually be richer in a year! Yes you are welcome!