One of my favorite ways to give is to send money (or gifts) anonymously.
I love the thrill of sneaking around like James Bond, without the threat of getting shot or going to prison if you get caught.
written by Adam Faughn | Saving Money
written by Bob Lotich, CEPF® | Saving Money
written by Bob Lotich, CEPF® | Making Money
written by Bob Lotich, CEPF® | Managing Money
(The following is a transcription from a video I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors.) Ever since that first stimulus package rolled out, I’ve been following them pretty closely and sharing a good amount over on Instagram about kind of what’s going on and where we are with everything. Everything I’ve been reading about […]
written by Bob Lotich, CEPF® | Saving Money
(The following is a transcription from a video Linda and I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors.) There’s something that we do with our money that has really helped our marriage. And, we know it can help your’s too. This change was a pretty unlikely candidate. I don’t think most people would suspect this. […]
written by Bob Lotich, CEPF® | Saving Money
(The following is a transcription from a video I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors.) In this article, we’re going to talk about whether or not there’s a Stock Market crash coming soon. And just like anyone else, I don’t know. I have my opinions and we’re going to talk a little bit about […]
written by Bob Lotich, CEPF® | Saving Money
(The following is a transcription from a video I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors.) Quick little update for you. The Senate and the White House reached an agreement on this big stimulus bill, the Trump coronavirus stimulus check for 2020. Let me share with you who will be eligible, how much you will […]
written by Bob Lotich, CEPF® | Saving Money