How much does it cost to raise a child these days? According to Baby Center web site, the cost of raising a child from baby to adulthood is $266,698. Now that you have pulled yourself up off the floor, I want to assure you that it is OK to bring babies into the world even […]
The Blog
5 Legitimate Work From Home Jobs & Opportunities
We live in tough times. Those who are not unemployed are under-employed. Many people agonize between taking a second job and family time. My goal is to share with you some resources that allow you to earn extra income for your family from the comfort of your own home on your schedule. Many of these examples I have personally used to add extra income to my household when needed. I am not going to focus on starting an online business in this post (although, for the diligent there is money to be made in blogging, Adsense, creating your own products, selling on ebay, and affiliate sales.) Instead, I want to introduce to you a few reputable work-from-home companies that will pay you for your work…
Resources and Ways to Cut Your Debt Load
The series/eBook basically takes you through all the things that my wife (Linda) and I have done to pay down our debts. When we got married we had about $40,000 of debt. Even though that was a sizeable amount of debt, we had a very strong desire to get rid of it. This intense desire drove us to make sacrifices that seemed pretty uncommon when we looked at those around us. But, as Dave Ramsey often says, “You have to live like no one else (now), so that you can live like no one else (in the future)”…
John D. Rockefeller Quote on tithing
“I never would have been able to tithe the first million dollars I ever made if I had not tithed my first salary, which was $1.50 per week.” ”” John D. Rockefeller
The 10 most common new year’s resolutions – is yours on here?
I did some researching to find out the 10 most common new year resolutions – these are them! I am not much of a supporter of new year resolutions, I don’t like waiting around for a specific date to make positive life changes. That said, I guess some people don’t really think about making positive life changes until the new year rolls around…
Saving on your home energy bill – 22 ways
I am getting ready to embark on an all out battle against our energy bills and I know the next couple months are going to be tough. It’s been a cold December, but January and February are always a bit more intense. But after doing some homework, I found a bunch of simple things that we can do to lower our bills this winter. Even though I should have done this 2 months ago, I am going to basically treat this as my checklist of things to do to over the next couple weeks…
21 Great Bible Verses About Giving
The attitude behind it really matters. There is a huge difference between buying stuff that you feel (or are) obligated to, and intentionally (and cheerfully) giving something to another person. So if you need a little boost to your giving attitude this year, do a little meditating on the scriptures below…
5 Tips For Dealing With Your Medical Debt
Doesn’t it seem like even a check-up and a physical will have your wallet screaming for mercy these days? It doesn’t require major surgery and scans to rack up a pile of medical debt in this day and age. At some point or another many of us might even deal with a major health issue that requires exams, scans, check-ups and quite possibly surgery.Hopefully your health insurance provider will pick up the majority of the costs, but what do you do about the remaining amount that you owe? Or worse – what if you don’t have insurance?