I just finished James O’Donnell’s book called The Shortest Investment Book Ever: Wall Street Secrets for Making Every Dollar Count. Long title isn’t it? Like the title suggests it is short – about 140 pages and it is smaller in size as well.
The Blog
No money for Christmas?
Do you not have any money for Christmas this year? After some of the financial challenges of this year it seems like there going to be more people who don’t have much cash for Christmas gifts this year. If you are in a tight spot this year and want to have a debt-free Christmas, then we need to get a little creative.
29 tips on getting out of debt from you!
Recently I wrote a post asking the readers for tips to help another fellow reader get out of debt. There were quite a few really good responses, so I figured I would formulate it into it’s own reader generated post! So here goes…
6 tips for a debt free Christmas
Why after every Christmas are most people looking at huge credit card bills wondering, “Where did all that money go?” It is no different than any other area of our lives, if we don’t have a leash on it – it will be out of our control. Think of your money like your neighbor’s dog
The parable of the ten foolish virgins
Just like with all of the parables that Jesus used to teach valuable lessons, there is some wisdom to be gained from the parable of the 10 virgins. As with most things in life, some were wise, some were foolish, and both reaped what they sowed. I have posted the whole parable below as a refresher… The parable of the ten virgins… At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise.
The best place to save money
Where is the best place to open a savings account? I often get asked where the best place to save money is. I think it depends a little bit on your goals, but for now the simple answer is ING Direct. If you are stocking away a quarter million dollars in your savings account, I wouldn’t recommend them since they do not have the highest interest rates.
The Biblical Prosperity debate
I have read a few articles recently discussing biblical prosperity and I am just getting a little bit frustrated with the whole thing. On one side you have people who insist on being poor because they think that it is more righteous to do so and on the other I am finding some people so caught up in storing up treasures for themselves on earth, that they are missing God’s plan for their life.
Should I pull my money out of the bank?
Should you pull your money out your bank? Well, this is my opinion on the whole financial crisis in the U.S. and how it will affect our money.