The following is an abbreviated transcription from a video Linda and I recorded with Aaron and Jennifer Smith from Marriage After God. Please excuse any typos or errors. Today, we’re absolutely thrilled to welcome Aaron and Jennifer Smith, the powerhouse couple behind the transformative initiatives Husband Revolution, Unveiled Wife, and the must-listen podcast, Marriage After God. […]
Money Bible Scriptures
The Bible actually has a whole lot to say about money. Did you know there are actually over 2,000 scriptures that talk about finances?
Here are some of our recommended articles to give a Biblical perspective about money...
- 5 bible verses about money every Christian should know
- Why God's way takes longer
- Tithing in the New Testament
- 7 Scriptures on the Wise Use Of Money
- Encouraging Bible Verses
- Can you fit through the eye of a needle?
- Should a Christian be in debt?
- Would Jesus have an emergency fund?
- Financial lessons from Solomon
- What the Bible says about Debt
- Trusting God
- Stewardship: What is it?
- Parable of the Talents
- 5 lessons from the garden about fruit bearing
- 4 Ways to handle money God's way
- 10 Things Christians Should Do with their Money
For more, just keep on scrolling...
A Biblical formula for paying off debt miraculously fast
Today we discuss a biblical formula for paying off debt miraculously fast. While the idea of a biblical formula may seem odd, we explore a passage from 2 Kings 4 that reveals the key to unlocking supernatural financial miracles. Throughout this article, you will be inspired by real-life examples of ordinary people turning their seemingly […]
Biblically responsible investing: should Christians invest in morally questionable companies?
The following is an abbreviated transcription from a video Linda and I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors. One of our 10x investing students asked a question that I get asked quite often: Should we invest in companies that we don’t agree with morally? This is a question that many Christians wrestle with, and we’re […]
How to hear from God with your giving
We often get asked “how did you know you were hearing from God?” after we share some of our giving stories that God has led us through. While we don’t have all the answers and we don’t believe there is only one way to hear from God, in this article we are sharing what we […]
If you aren’t blessed financially are you doing something wrong?
The following is an abbreviated transcription from a video Linda and I recorded. Please excuse any typos or errors. Are You Doing Something Wrong if You Aren’t Financially Blessed? I tend to get variations of this question quite often. So, that’s the question we are tackling today. I promise you, this topic is just the tip […]
The problem with “The Sound of Freedom” that we should be talking about…
Have you seen “the Sound of Freedom” yet? Well, we just saw it and there is something we all need to be talking about with it. But first, let me take you back a few years… About 5 years ago Linda and I were on our way out of town to go on a much […]
Storing up treasures in heaven (the Bible verses)
I am convinced that we are all just absolutely not catching the gravity of this concept of storing up treasures in heaven and if we did, we’d be living our lives a lot differently. So I just did a little research pulling out the specific Bible verses and scriptures that reference this whole treasure in […]
The Bible & Crypto (Should Christians invest in Bitcoin?)
With Bitcoin’s price nearly doubling in the last 3 months, it inevitably gets people interested and I have been getting more questions like: And so I wanted to take a few minutes today to give my thoughts on it. And just to give you some background, I have been a Christian following Jesus for about […]