Before you begin your journey to get out of debt, it is important to know what the Bible says about debt. You can then use these truths to build your faith since faith comes by hearing the word. Once you have a solid understanding of what God has to say about the issue, then you can boldly pray about your debt in faith.
Debt Help
10 ways to become poor
These are some simple ways to become poor… 1. Spend more than you make – Actually if you only do #1, you won’t have to worry about the other 9. This is the easiest way for anyone to become poor. It doesn’t matter if you make millions or hundreds each month, the same principle applies.
How to quit spending more money than you make
So you want to learn how to quit spending more money than you make? Here are a few ideas that have helped me…
Why I Think You Should Set A Goal Today
Have you ever wondered how setting a goal and following God’s will can co-exist? After all, what is the point setting a goal that isn’t what God is wanting for us?
How To Negotiate With Credit Card Companies (And Stop Wasting Money)
A few years ago, when I had over $15,000 of credit card debt, I was often negotiating with credit card companies to get better interest rates. I took a very active approach toward minimizing my interest expense on my debt and learning to negotiate with credit card companies was a key component…
8 Ways to Stay Motivated While Getting Out of Debt
You open that credit card statement and sigh. “It’s going to take forever to get this thing paid off.” When you add your student loan debt and your car debt, that sigh turns to a moan. You ask yourself, “How can I ever stay on task long enough to do this? Is there a way to stay motivated?”
4 Keys to Break Free from Your Debt
Getting out of debt can be tough, but these principles can help you get through it much easier.
What Is AARP And Is Membership Worth The Cost? (Important Facts)
When my husband started getting membership applications from AARP around his 49th birthday, he was the laughing stock of the family. “Ha, ha, dad,” the kids would jeer. “You’re officially old.” Not wanting to admit his advancing years, he threw the offers in the trash . . . .