I must say that I really get a kick out of doing little things that will pay big dividends. So each of these 6 items offer a little bit of that promise. Put a few bucks in now and save more! What I love about it is that, you can run out and buy everything mentioned here and actually be richer in a year! Yes you are welcome!
Saving Money
10 Easy Ways to Save Money at the Vet
You feel the familiar ache of worry in the pit of your stomach. Something isn’t right with Fido. He’s lethargic and not acting like himself. Is it something major? Fido is a part of the family. You can’t bear to see him hurting. In your heart of hearts you know it’s time to take him […]
20 Amazing Hacks that will make Your Life Easier and Save You Money
Life is so stressful and I’m always looking for ways to minimize the stress in my life. One of the ways stress can be reduced is to simply make life easier. But, how? We would all love to find ways to make our life easier, right? What if I said that there are some AMAZING “life […]
6 Legal Ways to Get Help Paying Student Loans
College is expensive. There’s no denying it. According to The Institute for College Access & Success, 69% of students graduating from public and non-profit colleges in 2014 had some form of student loan debt. The average amount? $28,950. That’s a sobering thought. Paying off that kind of debt isn’t easy, but it is possible. And what […]
10 ways to become poor
These are some simple ways to become poor… 1. Spend more than you make – Actually if you only do #1, you won’t have to worry about the other 9. This is the easiest way for anyone to become poor. It doesn’t matter if you make millions or hundreds each month, the same principle applies.
How Much Money Are You Wasting by NOT Refinancing Your Student Loans?
The average student owes $35,051. If you owe student loan debt in this range or higher, you may be wasting money by not refinancing. Whether or not you can benefit by refinancing your student loans will depend upon the interest rate that you are paying on your current loans. Private source student loans usually carry […]
4 Steps You Should Never Skip When Buying a Used Car
Buying a used car is definitely the best way to get the most car for your money. Used cars depreciate much more slowly than new cars. However, purchasing a used car can be stressful. Did the previous owners take care of the car? Has it been in a wreck? Are there any recalls on the […]
5 Things Wealthy People Do Differently
When it comes to the wealthy, there’s often a belief that they’re rich because they were born into money. While that’s certainly true for many, it isn’t the case across the board. Many of the wealthy have had to work their way up to being rich and to do so they’ve had to adopt a different set of habits from most other people.