Trusting God in the midst of bad circumstances… I should be just as confident that things are going to work out when they look crazy as when everything looks fine and dandy. The opposite is true as well. Even though things look peaceful and calm, that is not an indication of security. Our security comes from God. It is not at all dependent on what is going on around us. Whether it is the economy, our finances, our children, our marriages, we can (and should) trust God with all of it.
Biblical Money Essentials
Stewardship in the Bible
What is stewardship and how should it affect what we do with our money, time, resources, etc.? What does it really mean to be a “good steward”?
7 Scriptures On Wise Money Management
Let’s acknowledge that the American economy doesn’t look good right now, but the Bible has a lot to say about provision that we should see as truth, and it’s something we can hold onto, in times as dread-inducing as these. Let us see 7 different perspectives about money and provision that the Bible offers…
Fit a camel through the eye of a needle? [Bible Verse meaning]
Ah, you know the verse. It’s the one that people love to quote when they are trying to prove that Christians should be poor because it appears to be more righteous. Well, is it really? “For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Let’s look at the definition of “rich,” and see who qualifies.
Would Jesus have an emergency fund?
I talk a lot about the importance of having an emergency fund and how it is a necessary ingredient to a sound financial plan. But, I thought we should step back and ask the necessary question, “Would Jesus have an emergency fund?”