25 ways to save money by not doing what “normal” people do. A lot of money can be saved by thinking “outside the box.”
Featured Articles
How to get out of credit card debt (on your own)
12 years ago, Linda and I confronted our debt and decided that we were going to pay off our credit card debt on our own (and fast if at all possible). We were determined to make the sacrifices necessary to eliminate it as quickly as possible. We had $46k in total debt (though not all […]
How we travel for free [161 hotel nights and 103 flights all free]
I know when you read a title like “how to travel the U.S. for free” you can’t help but be suspicious. But stick with me on this – if this is new to you, you are going to like it. Over the last 5 years, we have gotten 161 hotel nights and 100+ flights all […]
Why I use credit cards instead of debit cards or cash
The simple truth is that while they cost me a lot of money early in my life in interest charges (because of my bad financial habits), at this point, they save me far more money than I could have ever imagined. This is another one of those articles that I should have written years ago, […]
Why I took a Sabbatical year (and how I did it)
This 7,000 word guide explains why I took a sabbatical year and exactly how I did it, just in case you are wanting to take a sabbatical for yourself.
Why we began giving our age as a percentage
I can still remember exactly where I was standing in the middle of that field when He dropped it on my heart. I was in my secret place (that wasn’t really that secret). It was technically a construction site for an upcoming phase in our subdivision high up on a hill. For whatever reason development […]
Life Lessons from 6 Famous Failures
Have you ever met a successful person who did not encounter some failures along the way? I know I haven’t … it seems that failure is inextricably blended into the pathway toward success. Fortunately for us, some very famous people have traveled this path. What can we learn from these “famous failures”?
How To Start a Money-Making Blog [FREE e-Course]
Since I am now making a full time income from my blog, I decided that I needed to write about how to make money with a blog. This article contains the things I have done over the last 2 years to drastically increase my blog earnings…