It isn’t too difficult to find a place to file your federal tax return for free, but finding a service to file your state return for free is another story. Here’s what I found . . . .
Free stuff online
7 FREE Printable Budgeting Worksheets
Here are 7 different choices of free printable budgeting worksheets. Download the worksheet that works best for you…
25+ Free Things You Never Knew You Could Get For Free
Have you ever searched for what you can get for free? I’m not talking about anything unsubstantial. What if I told you, that you could get something of more value for free? Well you can! Just recently I had been on a quest of sorts to find what I can get for free. I was […]
10 Free Dates Your Wife Will Love
Alright, I can’t guarantee that she will “love” all of them, I mean what kind of guy would I be if I completely understood women? 😉 But, I am sure that she will at least love some of them, depending on the type of lady you have…
10 Free Bible Study Resources And Tools
I’ve spent some time searching around the web to see what I could find. Overall, I’ve found some great free resources for learning and studying God’s Word. Therefore, I decided to provide you 10 free Bible study resources I came across in which I think may be worthwhile to visit and review to see if they fit your needs…
Free and Legal TV and Movies online
I was going to name it something like “where to find free TV and Movies online,” but changed it to make sure I added “legal” in there. It turns out that a whole lot of what I was finding wasn’t legal. I saw a link on one site to “Marley and Me” and I thought to myself, “isn’t that still in the theaters?” Sure enough I was right, as the video started, I noticed that I could actually see the theater seats in the recording. I guess someone recorded it directly from the theater – I am going to assume that isn’t legal. 🙂