These are the 7 lessons about money and marriage that I have learned so far…
Money Management
New Law on Bank Overdraft Fees & The “Courtesy” Overdraft Protection
Recently Consumer Reports released an article discussing the new Federal law pertaining to banks and their overdraft services. Not sure if the motivation for the new regulation was customers like the one above, but I think it is probably a good thing.
Believe it or not, that $35 fee that the bank charges you when you overdraw your account is actually a “service” that your bank is offering you. They care so much about your well being that they want you to be able to buy that Snickers bar without being told that you don’t have the money in your account. 😉 And then they charge you $35 when you spend 50 cents more than you have in your account…
Faith and Giving Lessons from C.S. Lewis
In his book, Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis explains an aspect of the Christian faith by comparing it to receiving and giving a gift.
If You Only Read 5 Financial Books Your Entire Life, Make Sure These 5 Are Included
There are all kinds of lists that will proclaim this or that book to be the top financial book available. But we’re going to take a different approach here. Our list is going to focus on the books that are a benefit to you in five fundamental areas: Getting out of debt Changing your attitude […]
4 Ways to Handle Money God’s Way
Ever feel like your life is stuck in fast-forward? From the moment our feet hit the floor in the morning, it seems like we never let up on life’s gas pedal . . . .
16 Ways to Protect Yourself from Online Fraud and Identity Theft
While no one can totally prevent it, there are many things you can do to protect yourself from online fraud and identity theft.
3 Ways You Can Become Self-Financing
Millions of people are on a debt treadmill. It starts the first time you swipe a credit card to cover a shortfall in your budget. Do that enough times, and before long you’re working to pay credit cards and other forms of debt.
Do You Need a Living Trust, a Will, or Both?
Many people don’t really enjoy thinking about their impending passing from this earth, which means that questions about wills, trusts, and estate distribution can be disconcerting. Still, it’s smart to consider what will happen to your estate and your sentimental belongings at your passing.